It’s a bit unusual to get so much snow in the Seattle area, but this year everything is slowing down as people are forced to stop what they’re doing and watch their step. This morning, I woke up to a new fresh foot of snow with deeper drifts around the house. In this quiet, calm space, I pondered what the…
Author: Dave
You interested in a Tarot Card Reading?
As some of you already know, I read Tarot, created my own deck and defined my own cards. The keyword information about each card can be found on If you’re a registered user and logged in, the website will show you the description that goes with each card. Anyone can register to get access to the information which can…
Zodiac Signs in the Tarot Cards
If you go looking on the web for an article that will help you determine the astrology sign of any given Tarot card, you’re going to find a slew of different interpretations and explanations as to why the person uses the technique or association that they do. You’ll find the signs specific to twelve cards in the Major Arcana or…
Tarot Reading for Becki
I would like to extend a warm thank you to Becki who also was willing to allow me to make her reading public. She knew ahead of time that this would be made public so it can change the way questions are asked, but it’s still what it is. Please note that I normally keep the video private by posting…
Tarot Reading for Toni
I would like to say thank you to Toni for allowing me to share her intimate session with the world. If you watch this, you’ll notice that at the very start Toni is open to being guided to what is really important for her to talk about. If you’re sensitive, you should notice the energy changes that occur in her…
Key Principles of the Major Arcana
Recently, I found myself being asked a number of questions about the Major Arcana cards. Thus, I figured it was time to cover it in a video. Note that I’m discussing the principle, not the key words or common description. Both those areas could be videos for another day. If you have any questions, feel free to login and post…
Tarot Reading for Bonnie
This post is a very loud thank you to Bonnie who volunteered to allow me to make this reading public. Her session shows the format that I follow when performing a reading and how I draw cards. Normally, the video is kept private and only shared with the client. As in any ‘session’, keeping the information private helps create a…
You live in Redmond & want a Tarot reading?
This is just a short reminder that each Monday I schedule time at SoulFood CoffeeHouse in Redmond between 3:30 and 6:00 pm to talk Tarot with anyone that is interested. Stop by for a reading or to just talk Tarot. Would love to have you visit.
Help me, Help you with a Tarot Reading
After a long hiatus, I’m feeling more inspired to deal cards for folks in order to show the world how I play this game of Tarot. In order to do this, I’m willing to exchange a limited number of readings for my registered subscribers who are willing to allow their reading to be public. You interested? This idea is simple,…
Hexen2 Tarot connection to CERN – Thoughts
I came across a YouTube video titled “DARK JOURNALIST X-SERIES XXXIII: CERN OCCULT NIGHTMARE TAROT ORPHIC CIRCLE – GIGI YOUNG” that I thought was going to be different than what I discovered. Turns out that I love the interaction between these two spirits and I couldn’t help but get some intuitive ideas that I’m sharing in this video. Unfortunately, it’s…