On December 19th, the votes of the electors are cast in each state. Six days prior to this, the states must have completed electing their electors. Reference: U.S. Electoral College Knowing that the US is a republic where a few selected people are put in a position to represent the greater population, we want to look into the cards to…
Author: Dave
Hillary Clinton and Fake News Speech
It’s been a while since we’ve seen any type of speech by Hillary Clinton and the topic that she chooses is directly related to ‘fake news.’ If you have followed what the MSM is calling ‘fake news’, you’ll know that Hillary Clinton and nearly everyone that she’s surrounded herself with has been the topic of the ‘fake news.’ Seeing that…
Tarot Cards on John Kerry’s trip to Antarctica
Can the cards help us understand why people like the Pope, the US secretary of state John Kerry and others have visited Antarctica in the last year? Background: Jim Sinclair has a good point in the video (that I’ve linked in here) asking the question, how many pictures do you see of these people on their visit? And, it is…
Tarot card reading of Jullian Assange’s current condition
Video: “Breaking: Jullian Assange Dead Unless Proof of Life” Goal: Can the cards help us understand why Jullian Assange has not shown himself in any meaningful way in the last month. What is the current condition of this man and what might things look like for him in the near future. This reading will be a simple problem spread of…
Tarot Cards on the Meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch in Phoenix
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRWDP-PWunE Goal: To get some insights into the meeting that Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch had in Phoenix. Summary: The most important thing about the meeting is that the relationship that they have is something that they feel stuck in and they can’t get out. The cards support that there may have been bad choices with regards to what…
Tarot cards on Steve Pieczenik video
The video is titled “The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the United States”. Goal: To get some insight with regards to honesty and integrity of Steve and the topic. Summary: Most important card suggests that it’s an illusion and it will no longer affect our lives. The cards indicate that Steve may be being selfish. With a reversed hermit, they indicate…