In the classic sense, the cards of the Major Arcana are predominately about the spiritual or interpersonal aspects of The Fool’s life. They carry deeper meanings that tend to align to natural laws or to the art of being human.
In this deck, one of the predominant features of the Major Arcana cards is that they represent a gradient of consciousness. On one extreme, we have the naïve fool that puts no conscious thought into his actions and on the other we have the worldly balanced hermaphrodite that is acutely conscious in her actions. As the cards grow greater in number, they represent stages of evolution that only happens as the person becomes more aware of their actions and conscious of the choices they make in life.
When you apply this understanding in a reading, it will help you determine the level of conscious engagement that is involved in the issue at hand. In other words, if you ask a question like ‘Does the Seeker intend to perform {some particular action}?’ Drawing out one of the Action cards may indicate that the Seeker is being intentional in his actions. Likewise, the drawing a lower card may confirm that the Seeker has no idea what is going on or why.
It is important to honor the balance of the cards in reverse. Generally speaking, when the cards are dealt in the upright position, we have a harmonious response. But not everything in life is sweet and wonderful. Dark things happen, yet when reading the cards it’s important to stay objective and feel what is being played. This includes allowing and accepting the cards both upright and reversed.
What follows is an ordered list of the Classic Major Arcana cards and their meanings. The first two cards set to display all the information that these two cards carry. Depending on your level of participation with this website, the remaining cards will show limited information for visitors, more information for subscribers and the full list to people that pick up a subscription.
The Fool
Principle: Birth of identity.
Key Words: Start of a phase, leap of faith, openness to life, beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit, unexpected opportunities, intuition, carefree, belief.
Key Feelings: The feeling of joy when you believe something will work out and it does.
Description: This card represents a carefree approach to life. It is the blowing of the feather in the wind. It is the embodiment of the essence a free spirit. It is the leap of faith that is rooted behind everything that we do in life. It is the energy of a new beginning, or the starting of a phase or unexpected opportunities that come our way. It represents openness to life and everything it has to offer. It is optimism in every breath. This card encourages us to have faith that when you honor innocence, things work out.
Key Words: Trickster, light-hearted, surprise.
Description: You can definitely be sure that something is on its way and it may, or may not, be to your liking. Whatever it is, you will laugh and maybe even painfully. You will definitely learn a lesson about yourself. There is lots of magic around you, but you will be caught off guards with how it presents itself. You will most likely fall into a trap but survive by accident. You may lose the battle, but you will not be beaten. This energy moves you from one disaster to another and teaches you the art of self-sabotage. You will take things seriously and may be blinded to the obvious. The cosmic joke is that it's not only about you, but everyone is doing the same thing. Get ready to laugh at yourself and the crazy things that you've done. Embrace what is crazy and fun. Go with the flow. Mature coyote energy brings laughter to the party and lightens the hearts of others. Don’t take life too seriously.
Words: Hope, new beginnings.
Description: There is beauty and passion in innocence. Think of the rose here as a gift that comes from within that you bring into the world to share. Passion is at the root of all experience which builds memory.
Words: Consciousness, karma, attraction.
Description: Ether is the material that fills the universe. It permeates everything. It is everywhere always. It is the animating force and is subtler than light. It is associated with purity and clarity. It is transparent and moves cyclically or naturally. It is unchanging, divine and infallible.
Principle: No concept of self or identity.
Key Words: Naivety, foolishness, recklessness, risk-taking.
Key Feelings: That ‘I can’t believe I fell for that’ feeling when you once again believe something will work out and it doesn’t.
Description: Reversed, this card is pessimistic fool. With everything that comes your way, there is the feeling that it is out to get you. It represents the innocence that is taken advantage of. It is the free spirit that constantly flies into glass windows. It is the unexpected opportunity that goes away. It is the act of extending belief when it’s inappropriate to do so. It’s the type of energy best expressed as: When you fall, you hit the ground. This card suggests that you pay closer attention to what you do and how it is done so as to find a way to optimistically approach the task at hand.
Key Words: Trickster, hurtful, deceived.
Description: The light-hearted foolishness becomes heavy painful experiences. What should be a simple laugh, causes hurt and resentment. Being unconscious of your actions leads to disastrous results. You may be easily tricked or deceived by another and led astray. You may fall for a scam artist or a get rich quick scheme or get involved in a deceptive activity. You may find yourself on a path that is painful and disharmonious. Everything that you attempt to do backfires or turns out differently than you expect. Feeling like you're always getting knocked down and never making forward progress. This spirit requests that you pay attention to your actions and don’t take things to seriously.
Words: Pain, thoughtlessness.
Description: Beauty and passion may have a dark side. Be careful of the promises that others have made to you so that they do not lead to painful experiences. You may be in a thoughtless state, so it may be worthwhile to take a step back and smell the roses.
Words: Unconsciousness, repulsion, judgment.
Description: Reversed, it would seem that the Ether that fills the universe has no purpose, cause or direction. It is everywhere, but does nothing. It animates, but cannot be seen doing so. It is subtler than light yet there is no concept of its existence. Clarity and purity are missing or simply not applied. Things change in unexpected ways and there is a strong sense that everything is flawed.
The Magician
Principle: Law of manifestation.
Key Words: Guidance, new opportunities, creative initiative, power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness, connection between divine and mundane, conscious/unconscious link, infinite outcomes, manifesting your desires, using the tools that are available to you.
Key Feelings: That feeling that you are connected to the divine and your worldly experience are improved by spiritual insights.
Description: This card represents the connection that we all have to the divine and that the divine is what powers our worldly experiences. The upright position of this card indicates that the connection is strong and open. There is the power to manifest your desires using the tools that have been given to you. The realm of infinite possibilities is open to you if you just choose to embrace it. Ask, and you shall receive. You are encouraged to clarify your thoughts so they are sharp, clear and well defined.
Key Words: Transmutation, manifestation, trinity.
Description: When in tune with snake energy, a person can overcome poisonous mental, physical, spiritual and emotional situations. The snake energy empowers transmutation of our life situation through sexuality, psychic activities, alchemical processes, reproduction and acts that lead towards ascension. Snake allows us to experience anything without resistance for it knows it can shed the experience and start again. Snake understands that with the proper state of mind, it can transmute poisonous situations eating, digesting, and integrating a problem or experience. It provides for healing by merging of male and female energy. Transmutation is fire energy. On a material level, the fire becomes ambition, creation, resolution and dreams. On the metal level, the fire becomes intellect, power, charisma and leadership, on the spiritual level, the fire becomes wisdom, understanding, and wholeness which enhances the connection to the great spirit. This spirit encourages you to refine your practice and perfect your skills.
Key Words: Messenger.
Description: Mercury is the messenger of the gods. Be observant of your surroundings and everything that you do. Hawks help through stressful and difficult situations when you observe the nuances of the power lurking nearby. You are only as powerful as your capacity to perceive, receive and use your abilities. You must use discernment and seek the truth in all actions. The cry of the hawk could mark the coming of a conflict, the birth of a child or a celebration. The Hawk energy requires responsibility. Remember the details. You are encouraged to trust the message and observe.
Words: Hope, faith, purity, chastity, innocence, fertility.
Description: Drawing the lily symbolizes that divinity is present or that there is an air of innocence about the matter. It represents purity, chastity and fertility. It symbolizes that it may be time to act now or that the time is short. It shows that now could be a good time for a cleanse, or to place time into performing purifying activities. The lily deals with the sanctity and tenderness of the heart. We are encouraged to thoroughly enjoy the tender moments before the bloom is over.
Words: Devotion, balance, magic.
Description: The roses represent a strong commitment and devotion to the process of creating your own reality. Hang onto the passion that empowers the magic because the adventure is at your command.
Words: Consciousness, karma, attraction.
Description: Ether is the material that fills the universe. It permeates everything. It is everywhere always. It is the animating force and is subtler than light. It is associated with purity and clarity. It is transparent and moves cyclically or naturally. It is unchanging, divine and infallible.
Principle: Not understanding the law of manifestation.
Key Words: Manipulation, poor planning, not using your talents, being misled.
Key Feelings: That feeling that the divine has abandoned you or that you are no longer connected to spiritual insights.
Description: Reversed, this card represents that the connection to the divine is blocked or hidden. The energy needed to manifest your worldly desires is missing or not flowing. The glow of life has gone out or is dim. You may feel adrift and unable to decide what to do or place your energy into. You are encouraged to look at yourself and reflect on how you got there. You will need to take control of your own thoughts so as to right the situation.
Key Words: Transmutation, broken manifestation process.
Description: Refusing to change. Fearing change. Fearing the discomfort of change. Feeling stuck in a rut. The unwillingness to experience life. Feeling that the situation is poisonous to the core. Feeling that death with undoubtedly prevail if you engage in the situation. Feeling like old wounds won't heal. No balance in male female energy. Feeling like the spark of fire as gone out. This spirit encourages you to address your fears and approach the situation carefully.
Key Words: Missed message, deaf, not reading.
Description: You many have shut down your powers of observation on some level. It may be a situation likened to bricks around the heart. Life may be too unbearable to observe and too painful to feel. It’s time to review why you became emotionally involved rather than remaining the observer. Seek the natural observer point of view which allows the message to be intuitively and clearly understood. It may be that you feel out of balance or that your emotions cloud your vision. You may be telling others how to think of behave. You need to take care of your own emotional baggage so that your thoughts can be tamed and arranged in order to hear the message clearly.
Words: Stifled growth, impure, restricted.
Description: When the lily is inverted, it indicates that there is something not pure about the situation. What should be a full, open, innocent environment may be restricted or constrained. There may be the feeling the environment is no longer big enough for the situation or if you’re ability to reach out and explore is limited. We are encouraged to purify our thoughts and actions.
Words: Broken commitments, pain.
Description: It takes passion and balance to command the adventures that you seek. Be careful with where you place your passion for the reversed rose will bring a sting to those that show no self-control or to those that break their commitments.
Words: Unconsciousness, repulsion, judgment.
Description: Reversed, it would seem that the Ether that fills the universe has no purpose, cause or direction. It is everywhere, but does nothing. It animates, but cannot be seen doing so. It is subtler than light yet there is no concept of its existence. Clarity and purity are missing or simply not applied. Things change in unexpected ways and there is a strong sense that everything is flawed.
The High Priestess
Principle: Law of the seer.
Key Words: Esoteric knowledge, intuition, wisdom, higher powers, mystery, subconscious mind, rituals, she knows the secrets.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being connected with, and in harmony with, your inner self.
Description: This card represents the aspects of the mind that cannot be seen, tasted, smelt, touched or heard. It is the aspect of our inner Being that has no voice, yet speaks through emotions and is felt. It is the location of esoteric knowledge and intuitive understandings. Upright, this card indicates that there is an open channel to use for diving deeper into understanding the situation at hand. It is an invitation to enter the realm of secrets and discover. Trust your feelings and explore why you have them. The path forward is clarified by understanding the emotions that drive you, particularly how the emotions make you feel.
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Principle: No concept of an inner observer.
Key Words: Hidden agendas, need to listen to inner voice, not listening.
Key Feelings: The feeling of not being connected with your inner self.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that you are not using, or you have given up on, this power of the subconscious to assist you in understanding something of importance. There may be fear, or a lack of understanding, with regards to what the subconscious has exposed and an unwillingness to use that knowledge. Time should be spent evaluating so as to understand clearly how you feel within and why. To right this card, you are encouraged to feel if you are in harmony with your current situation.
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The Empress
Principle: In sync with natural laws.
Key Words: Mother nature, physical world, the rhythm of life, taste-touch-sound-smell-sight, spirit of the senses, abundance, fertility, receptivity, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being in tune with nature, reading the signs and reaping the rewards.
Description: This card represents our sensual connection to this world. It is the energy behind and the experience of taste, touch, sound, smell and sight. It is the emotional, intellectual and spiritual connections we have to our experiences. This spirit could be represented as Mother Nature for she encompasses all that we find natural in our worldly experience. She is the essence of support for our physical lives. The upright card indicates that we are in tune with or in harmony with this energy.
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Principle: Out of sync with or not understanding natural laws.
Key Words: Abusing mother nature, sins of the senses, out of cycle, unnatural behavior, infertility.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being out of tune with nature thus reaping the discord and not being fulfilled.
Description: Reversed, this card shows that we are out of harmony with Mother Nature. Something is out of balance. The energy suggests that you are involved in some abuse of the natural rhythms, the resources of the natural world or of our own senses. You are encouraged to pay close attention to your senses and draw upon a nurturing energy in order to resync to the natural cycles of the situation.
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The Emperor
Principle: Harmonious with the cause and effect laws.
Key Words: Uses obvious laws, ambition, authority, worldly success, father-figure, structure, solid foundation, logical, rational.
Key Feelings: The feeling that when you perform a task, you will get the expected results for that particular task.
Description: This card defines the laws of cause and effect. For every thought, feeling and action, there is a response, emotion and result. There is no getting around these laws. Upright, this card shows that these laws are at work in a harmonious way. It is the good feeling of being treated well after treating people the way that you would like them to treat you. Its power comes from conscious use of the energy that supports the laws. You are encouraged to honor the law and let it play out to the expected outcome.
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Principle: Not understanding how cause and effect laws work.
Key Words: Unaware of obvious laws, domination, excessive control, rigidity, illogical, airy foundation, worldly avoidance.
Key Feelings: The feeling that there is no connection between cause and effect. Or not comprehending why something happened.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates a state of discord with the natural laws. It is either a lack of understanding regarding how they work or the conscious decision to not follow them. It leads to being treated like crap because you’re treating people like crap. Upright or reversed, the power and intensity of this card is directly related to the energy that is put into the experience. To break the cycle, you are encouraged to explore for the root cause of the problem in order to make refinements in your behavior so as to produce a different result.
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The Hierophant
Principle: The secrets of the wise, learning from others, golden rule.
Key Words: The guru or spiritual teacher, social laws, spiritual purpose, self-discovery, inner wisdom, organized religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs, student.
Key Feelings: The feeling of finding a spiritual teacher who helps you understand your meaning in life.
Description: This card represents social norms and processes that are traditionally the means to living a just and moral life. It is the guru that has studied all the works of the teachers that have come and gone and practices what they taught. It is the embodiment of socially learning spiritual behavior. Upright, the card would suggest a harmonious reading and an open willingness to learn this knowledge.
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Principle: Not listening to the secrets of the wise ones, not learning from others, not honoring the golden rule.
Key Words: Restriction, challenging the status quo, cult, acting like sheep, rejecting belief systems.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being lost or without spiritual guidance. Not knowing who to turn too.
Description: Reversed, this card would suggest an inharmonious arrangement with regards to social spiritual traditions and teachers. It could be the outright rejection of, or ignorance regarding how people teach others to learn the spiritual laws. Or, it could mean that there is a dark connection or commitment to abusing or twisting the spiritual guru-student relationship so as to manifest control of others. You are encouraged to look closely at your social support system to see if it has your best interest at heart. Listen to your inner guru.
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The Lovers
Principle: Acting from the heart. Harmonic heart-based choices.
Key Words: A choice of the heart, sacrifice, the testing of a relationship, love, union, values, alignment.
Key Feelings: The feeling where you commit with your heart to a way of being. Being proud of not faltering and feeling uplifted.
Description: This card indicates the personal commitment to a way of being is a choice that we must make. We can choose to perform actions that are harmonious with the heart or in discord. Upright, this card indicates that there is strong harmony with the feelings of the heart. It suggests that choices that you make will be in your best interest. It is a feel-good card showing that what is inside is inherently aligned to what you do. It shows delayed gratification and increased pleasure over the long haul.
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Principle: Acting against the heart. Emotionally destructive choices.
Key Words: Disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values.
Key Feelings: The feeling of always choosing what gets you in trouble. Hurt by choices.
Description: Reversed, this card is the inharmonious manifestation of the choice of the heart. It represents the willingness to go against what you feel is the right thing or going with the temptation. It suggests that the energy seeks immediate gratification without regards to the future impact. It is the idea that pain and pleasure are two sides of the same coin. You are encouraged to consider the future impact of your actions before making your decision.
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The Chariot
Principle: Acting from the mind. Choices made by the ego.
Key Words: It’s about the ego, fluctuations of the mind, aggression & discipline, conflict, internal struggle, potential for resolution, control, will power, victory, assertion, determination.
Key Feelings: The feeling where you intellectually commit to a way of being with no regards to the cost. Defending or upholding honor.
Description: This card represents the ego and how it is tied to the fluctuations of the mind. Like The Lovers, this card is strongly rooted in the concept that we get to choose what thoughts we think and choose how much energy we place in making them manifest. Upright, this card shows the harmonious situation where the thoughts are balanced, and the energies are applied in a non-destructive way. There is a strong sense of discipline, will power and determination. As the energy flows, the environment is enhanced. Both horses work in unison and great works are achieved.
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Principle: Acting from the ego. Ignoring the obvious outcomes when making choices.
Key Words: Lack of control and direction, aggression, destruction, no will power, loss.
Key Feelings: The feeling where everything is out of control and it’s exhilarating.
Description: Reversed, this card is the inharmonious energies of the ego that are wild and uncontrollable. This is aggression and lack of discipline. It is the state of choosing what gratifies the ego, rather than what is justice and equitable. It embodies the act of domination as a sport. It is the outward manifestation of the inner turmoil. This is victory through destruction. As the energy flows, the environment is degraded. Both horses are wild and out of control. You are encouraged to be empathetic and compassionate in your actions so as to rebalance the outcome of an act associated with the ego.
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Principle: Do no harm. We are obligated to bring about good in all our actions. Where hurt can’t be avoided, minimize the damage. We must take positive steps to prevent harm.
Key Words: Courage, self-confidence, inner resources, strength, courage, patience, control, compassion.
Key Feelings: Choosing to act creatively, delicately and with conscious intent.
Description: This card represents the principle that we must not do harm with our actions. We are obligated to avoid causing pain if we can. We need to strive to do good in all parts of our lives. Upright, this card shows a harmonious alignment with this principle. To uphold this principle, it requires that every thought, action and emotion is controlled and expressed with compassion. It takes courage and self-confidence to maintain the harmony. Ultimately, weak people break down.
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Principle: Being unaware of the concept that your actions can do harm to yourself and others.
Key Words: Weakness, self-doubt, lack of self-discipline, out of control.
Key Feelings: Choosing to act destructively by being insensitive and not caring.
Description: Reversed, this card shows vagrant disregard for the principle of doing no harm. Where hurt can’t be avoided, you maximize the damage. Positive steps to prevent harm are avoided. It shows a breakdown in self-discipline, or self-doubt, or self-control. It is a condition of lost strength or the loss of character. Courage is a choice; here we see that choice not being made or that courage may be lost or suppressed. We are obligated to bring about good with our actions, so attention needs to be directed towards showing sensitivity and caution.
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The Hermit
Principle: ‘Self-rule’, respect autonomy of others, human dignity. Being honest in our dealings with others. Acting with the best interest of the other in mind.
Key Words: Patience, solitude, reflection, soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance.
Key Feelings: The feeling of no guilt because you have acted honorably and with dignity.
Description: This card represents the principle that people are responsible for governing themselves. We must allow for human dignity and respect the autonomy of others. We must act with the best interest of the other in mind. Upright, this card shows a harmonious alignment to this principle. The energy shows that you are able to express wisdom that is gained through soul-searching, introspection and inner guidance. This principle spans time and space.
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Principle: No regard for ‘Self-rule’, disrespecting the autonomy of others, ambivalent to human dignity. Being dishonest in our dealings with others. Acting against the best interest of others.
Key Words: Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal, doing time.
Key Feelings: The feeling of guilt for not being honest with yourself or others.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates an out-of-harmony situation with regards to this principle of acting with the best interest of others, or not considering the interest of another. There may be violations against others or self that are invasive and controlling. Actions may be void of dignity or dealings with others may turn out to not be honorable. You are encouraged to release what holds you back and trust. Take a stand of neutrality and let what is honorable shine though.
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The Wheel of Fortune
Principle: We have free will. We must honor the right of the individual to choose. We honor the right of those that choose not to choose and let fate take over. Respect their decisions for their own lives.
Key Words: Endings and beginnings, a change of circumstances, good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point, being in tune.
Key Feelings: The feeling that we are subject to natural laws and it is all part of the grand design.
Description: This card represents the principle that we all have free will and we need to protect the right of each person to be able to express it. It is the quality of recognizing the choices that people make and letting them experience the consequence of their selections. Above everything, each person gets to make their own choices. Upright, this energy signifies a harmonious relationship with this principle. You may be in a position to choose, or get to witness the choices that someone else makes and you get to honor the decisions. This principle is directly related to karma, life cycles and what is thought of as destiny. Being aligned with this energy brings the understanding that there is no fate.
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Principle: Everything is predetermined. Feeling like you have no free will. Not honoring the right of the individual to choose. Disrespecting others decisions.
Key Words: Bad luck, negative external forces, out of control, destiny, having given up.
Key Feelings: The feeling rooted in luck or not understanding why things come your way.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that there is a miss-alignment to the principle of free will. There are either transgressions to that principle or a complete lack of understanding. When transgressions are made, we feel the negative karma and suffer the consequences of the action. When there is a lack of understanding of this principle, there is said to be luck at play (good or bad) or that it is simple fate; something that is out of your control (which is against the natural laws). You are encouraged to be optimistic and set your intention clearly. Be willing to be hopeful for you are in control of your own destiny.
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Principle: Impose no unfair burdens. We have an obligation to provide others with whatever they are owed or deserve. Treat all people equally, fairly and impartially.
Key Words: Balance, wisdom, justice, fairness, truth, the effect of the cause, law.
Key Feelings: The feeling of knowing you live a life where you honor being just and fair.
Description: This card represents the commitment to being a just and fair person. It represents your commitment to upholding one of the most pristine principles in life – impose no unfair burdens on anyone or anything. It also embodies the principle that we are obligated to provide others with whatever they are owed or deserve. Upright, this card indicates a harmonious interaction with this principle. You may feel a sense of balance or that justice has been done. You may feel the situation is truthful and forthright. It may also suggest ethical treatment of others and impartiality.
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Principle: Causing unfair burdens on others. Holding back on what you owe others or not giving them what they deserve. Treating people unequally and unfairly.
Key Words: Unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty, burdened.
Key Feelings: The feeling that you’ve been screwed over or the situation is completely unjust.
Description: Reversed, this card is an inharmonious association with the principle of justice. Here, this card may suggest that there is injustice afoot. Someone is not being fair; someone is not impartial. You may be in the receiving end, or dealing out, something that is unfair or overly burdens another individual. Things could be dishonest for the principle is being sacrificed. There is no honor. You are encouraged to practice forgiveness and find a way to embrace neutral acceptance.
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The Hanged Man
Principle: We are all connected, thus we must work for the betterment of society.
Key Words: Sacrifice, transition, spiritual transformation, suspension, restriction, letting go.
Key Feelings: That feeling where you’ve helped someone and there are no strings attached.
Description: This card represents the principle that because we are all connected, what happens to one person affects all others. This is the concept that we must work to help improve the lives of others so that all benefit. It is an awareness of mass consciousness and your contribution to it. It is you representing humanity. Upright, this card shows a strong alignment with this principle. Typically, there is an abundance of sacrificial energy with this card. It is a community card of transformation and willingness to volunteer. It is the letting go of the little things in order to allow the bigger things to happen. It is a card of different perspective, it is the card of giving.
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Principle: Unaware of, of actively working against the idea that we are all connected. Working against the betterment of society.
Key Words: Martyrdom, indecision, delay, drained, regrets.
Key Feelings: The feeling that your energy has been spent on someone else.
Description: Reversed, this card represents the inharmonious alignment with the principle that we are all connected. It may be the feeling that your energy is being siphoned off to someone else at your loss. It may feel like your life has been setback because you’ve had to give your time to someone, or something, else. It is the feeling that your journey has been delayed or that you are the victim because you have sacrificed your life for someone else. We are asked to look at your own predicament from a different perspective and be receptive to the help offered by others. Have mercy and make what you do meaningful.
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Principle: The principle that absolutely nothing is permanent. Nothing is ‘set in stone’. It is our obligation to use our experience to transform ourselves into something better. We are here to grow, which fundamentally requires change.
Key Words: Endings, rebirth, transformation, beginnings, change, transition, non-permanence.
Key Feelings: The feeling or knowing that the sand castle will inevitably get washed away.
Description: This card represents the principle that change is fundamental to growth. We must recognize that everything is transient, including our own identity. No matter how hard we try, there are transitions that only the soul makes. Upright, this card indicates an alignment to this principle. It shows an acceptance to transformation and change. It is the inner knowing that without change, we stop growing. It is marriage and divorce, birth and death, sickness and health, abundance and scarcity.
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Principle: Not respecting the fact that absolutely nothing is permanent. It is resisting our obligation to use our experience to transform ourselves into something better.
Key Words: Resistance to change, unable to move on, divided, stuck, no growth.
Key Feelings: The feeling of panic as you race to protect the sand castle from the tide. Trying desperately to prevent the inevitable.
Description: Reversed, this card shows a disharmonious alignment to the principle of non-permanence. It is the resistance to change. It is the activity of holding on to the past; past traumas, experiences, issues, etc. It is not dealing well with death or birth. You are encouraged to apply reason by way of abstraction in order to build a new understanding to how things change and why.
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Principle: Staying balanced in the flow of energy that comes from the heart. Learning all the lessons associated with the heart space. Practicing how to use the energy of the heart.
Key Words: Cooperation, compromise, moderation, balance, patience, purpose, softness, caring.
Key Feelings: Feeling the rush of seeing your desires immediately manifest as a direct result of your conscious activity.
Description: This card represents the energies associated with emotions and how they drive what manifests in our lives. It is the fuel that drives creation. It is the middle step of creation. When you feed your thoughts with emotion, you consciously drive the manifestation process. Upright, this card shows that there is a harmonious application of this art. It shows the action of practicing the art of channeling your emotional energy towards constructive, productive and balanced outcomes. It is the purposeful application of the energy in order to bring about a quick and meaningful manifestation or your desire.
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Principle: Being out of balance in the flow of energy that comes from the heart. Misusing or practicing inharmonious acts associated with the heart space. Practicing how to use the energy of the heart, but using in inappropriately.
Key Words: Imbalance, excess, lack of long-term vision, cold hearted, one sided, forceful, sinful.
Key Feelings: Not feeling any connection between your emotional desires and your life’s actions or feeling that whatever you do doesn’t work.
Description: Reversed, this card represents an inharmonious alignment to the practice of channeling emotional energy towards a successful result. It could be considered wild, unbounded energy that is unleashed to manifest whatever and whenever in a hap-hazard way. It is the inability to focus or control the manifestation energy. It may also be emotional energy focused, or designed, towards inappropriate outcomes. It can show that there are excesses or imbalances. In the worst case, there could be intention or secret interests in the darker manipulative aspects of this art. You are encouraged to put your heart into what you do and feel to see if you’re in harmony with your actions.
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The Devil
Principle: Using the animalistic aspects of our human experience. It’s about learning the lessons that are associated with the flesh.
Key Words: Detachment, breaking free, power reclaimed, frustration, materialism, tantric, accepting non-cultural norms, rites of passage, mastering rituals.
Key Feelings: The feeling of unconditionally succumbing to your baser impulses and it’s divinely primitive.
Description: This card represents the art, or practice, of using primal energies to heighten your experience. It is the path that brings mastery through the understanding of the physical senses. It is the commitment to using what you have in order to bring as much detail as possible to every one of your experiences. It’s about giving the seer the clearest feedback possible. Upright, this card is a harmonious alignment with regards to enriching the seer’s experience. It is the intense concentration on using each physical receptor to its maximum ability. It is total commitment to the rich experience of seeing, touching, smelling, tasting and hearing. This energy requires dropping inhibition and dedicating yourself to the moment at hand.
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Principle: Inappropriately using the animalistic aspects of our human experience. Being harmful with regards to learning the lessons that are associated with the flesh.
Key Words: Bondage, addiction, sexuality, inhibitions, blocks, fears, taboo behavior, testing cultural norms, following bodily impulses.
Key Feelings: The feeling that your baser impulses have taken over and you are out of control.
Description: Reversed, this card represents the demonic, out of control state where the animalistic baser impulses have taken over. The energy is no longer tantric, but now about domination, bondage and primal sexuality. It is the addiction to the raw power of the senses. It is addiction to the extreme. This energy can be either intentional or not. In either case, it can manifest fear in oneself and others. You are encouraged to make sure you ask permission and seek consensual interactions so as to not create emotional scars in the people you interact with.
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The Tower
Principle: Experiencing the separation, or duality, provided by the ego. Learning the lessons associated with not being connected or experiencing what it’s like to be disconnected. The glorification of man.
Key Words: Upheaval, restructuring, a new order, disaster, sudden change, revelation, being punished, thought concepts challenged.
Key Feelings: The feeling that “I” have done something wrong.
Description: This card represents the power of the ego and all the lessons associated with it. It is the glorification of the intellect at the expense of the divine. It is about what “I” do, or what man does. It is the drive to be unique and experience life as being separate. It represents all the manmade structures and tools that feed the illusion of separation. Upright, this card represents that fallacy of this thinking and shows that when you do not follow the rules of the divine, you do not have a foundation to stand on. The ego, set free without divine guidance, will always destroy itself. This is the one card in the Major Arcana that is inharmonious in the upright position. You are encouraged to partner with the divine in order to build an understanding of the difference between the intuition and the ego.
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Principle: Realizing the connection of man with everything, aware of the duality that the ego wants us to experience. Learning the lessons associated with being connected. Being confident in man, yet glorifying the divine.
Key Words: Avoidance of disaster, acceptance of change, admiring your accomplishment, pride, disconnected from the divine.
Key Feelings: The feeling that “I” have done something and that’s ok.
Description: Reversed, this card represents that the ego is in play yet it is tempered or restrained. There is the feeling of fear that prevents the unleashing of the full power of the ego. It is an art learning to find balance between what we identify with and what we really are. In this position, the energy is more humble, cautious and fearful. Disaster can be avoided or mitigated when one is aligned with the divine.
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The Star
Principle: This power source is all around us all the time. It is the light of the individual and the light of personal influence. Individual or cosmic power.
Key Words: Hope, good fortune, faith in a better future, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity, inner personal power.
Key Feelings: The feeling that where ever you go, and whatever you do, you will be ok.
Description: This card represents the energy, or light, that is within us and always around us. It is the cosmic energy that is forever present that not only empowers our individual experience, but that of everything else too. It is invisible, but ever present. It is felt, but not warming. It is the light energy of your own consciousness. Upright, this card indicates that you are in a harmonious alignment to this cosmic energy. The energy builds a sense of ease and serenity. When channeled correctly, it brings good fortune and faith that the future will be better than today. It is a connection to our individual spirituality. It is what gives us eternal hope.
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Principle: Out of sync with the power of the individual. It is ignoring or underutilizing the light of the individual and the light of personal influence. Misuse of individual or cosmic power.
Key Words: Lack of faith, despair, discouragement, loss of personal power, loss of confidence in self, weak, no self-control.
Key Feelings: The feeling of uncertainty and dread. Not looking forward to the future.
Description: Reversed, this card represents an inharmonious alignment to the cosmic energy that is everywhere and within us. It shows that the subtle energies that flow within us are untapped or left with no direction. It suggests that the connection to your own driving force is missing or untapped. It might be expressed as the music is lost in the white noise. This can lead to a lack of faith, despair and discouragement regarding all the things you are involved in. This card represents lost hope. You are encouraged to reevaluate your own talents and skills so as to build faith that you have all the abilities that you need in order to bring good fortune your way.
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The Moon
Principle: This is the power source that is always reflected to us. It is what we sense which is interpreted into what is felt. It is the light that happens around us. Builds a sense of awe and confidence.
Key Words: Uncertainty, fluctuation, intuition, illusion, fear, insecurity, subconscious, the power around us.
Key Feelings: The feeling of awe in seeing and feeling the life that is everywhere around you.
Description: This card represents all the aspects of our experience that are reflected back to us. It is the magical glow in the calm pond at night. It represents the life and consciousness of everything around us. It is a subtle energy that is only experienced when you calm the mind and body so that we can truly feel. It is what is radiated out of the subconscious. It is the power of the collective consciousness. Upright, this card represents a harmonious alignment with this energy. It manifests itself through intuitive insight and esoteric understandings. It is symbolism, images, fantasy and imagination all rolled together. Using this power shows mastery of hidden consciousness.
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Principle: Not feeling what is behind the reflected objects or believing the illusion. It is what we sense which is not interpreted into what is felt. It is the light that happens around us but we can’t interpret what it says. Builds a sense of fear and insecurity.
Key Words: Release of fear, unhappiness, confusion, disconnected from the subconscious, anxiety, unable to see.
Key Feelings: The feeling of fear in the mysteriousness of the life around you. Or the chills sensing something moving in the dark.
Description: Reversed, this card represents an inharmonious alignment with the subconscious energies. It may be expressed as confusing dreams, mysterious premonitions of harm or fear on a primal level. It shows that there is either a lack of understanding or a willful disregard for the actions of the mind that exists below your awareness. There may be a deep sense of unhappiness or states of confusion regarding activities or communication that is generally understood as common knowledge. You are encouraged to explore these feelings in order to better understand what the subconscious is trying to say or express. Try seeing these energies as a gift rather than a curse.
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The Sun
Principle: This is direct access to power. It is the light of life, the fuel of our existence. It is what feeds our consciousness and empowers us to grow.
Key Words: Energy, optimism, joy, confidence, fun, warmth, success, positivity, vitality, power.
Key Feelings: That feeling of being empowered and inspired by a sunny day to the point of wanting to dance and play.
Description: This card represents pure consciousness in its raw, dominate form. It is the power that lights our existence. It is what charges our batteries and fills the soul. It is the power behind the understanding that lightens our path. It represents where growth comes from and what intense focus can achieve. It is awareness. Upright, this card represents the harmonious alignment to the use of pure consciousness. It suggests a deep-down sense of vitality, warmth and joy. It helps manifest optimism and positivity that are at the root of success. The energy is abundance, and, when used correctly, empowers fulfillment of our desires. It suggests a full sense of awareness to what is happening in and around you.
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Principle: Abuse of power, draining power. It is the results of the absence of light, the starvation of our existence. It is what is missing that is needed to feed our consciousness and empower us to grow.
Key Words: Temporary depression, lack of success, powerless, shady behavior, nighttime, cold, ineffective.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being burnt by the sunny day or shivering at night.
Description: Reversed, this card is the inharmonious alignment to the root source of power. It represents the inability to find power or the neglect of it. It makes getting anything done difficult and tiring. It makes growth impossible. It shows a lack of awareness to what is happening in and around you. It is the lack of success through the lack of or miss-use of conscious activity. It is the outright lack of awareness and an overall sense of being powerless or ineffective. You are encouraged to be hopeful for tomorrow is another day and the sun will always shine event if it’s behind the clouds.
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Principle: At any moment in time, you may be called upon to pay the price for your actions. It is the acknowledgement of your actions and a review of how you play the game of life. It is the point at which you move ahead or fall behind.
Key Words: Reward, completion, a new lease of life, judgment, rebirth, inner calling, absolution.
Key Feelings: The feeling of having chosen correctly.
Description: This card represents the concept that we will all have to fess up for what we’ve done. There is no denying one’s behavior and how it has affected all others. It is the moment that the test is corrected. It exposes reality for what it is. There is absolutely no getting away from what is a complete inspection based on all the irrefutable evidence. Upright, this card indicates a harmonious alignment to having done the right thing. It is having the confidence to stand in the fire and not burn, swim in the water and not drown, or be exposed to the elements and not freeze. It is standing naked in front of the world yet not feeling exposed. It is absolution.
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Principle: Refusing to pay the price for your actions. Not acknowledging your actions. Intentionally not playing by the rules. Not moving ahead. Playing dumb or naïve.
Key Words: Self-doubt, refusal of self-examination, dread, haste, need to hide.
Key Feelings: The feeling of dread knowing that your time is up.
Description: Reversed, this card is the inharmonic alignment of being called out on your actions. This is the self-examination that is laced with shame, regret and humiliation. It is the feeling of being caught for your vile behavior. It is the time where you get to feel and experience that which you dealt out. It is a reflection that exposes the undeniable truths that have been broken or intentionally abused. It is the time where your immaturity is made obvious. You are encouraged to make decisions that you can be proud of and be willing to stand behind what you are doing.
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The World
Principle: Correct use of consciousness. It is mastery of the principles, correct use of knowledge, or adherence to the laws.
Key Words: Success, achievement, realization of a goal, completion, integration, accomplishment, travel, talented, mastery.
Key Feelings: The feeling that you know what you’re doing.
Description: This card represents that you have gained a mature understanding of the use of consciousness and expressed conscious awareness. It is the feeling of having partaken in the adventure and having followed the rules. It is the recognition of having used your power equitably. It is some form of enlightenment. It is mastery. Upright, this card is the harmonious alignment with the concept of conscious awareness. It suggests accomplishment, achievement and success. It represents the point of spiritual arrival. It is a moment in which you may be proud with a sense of accomplishment.
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Principle: Using the skills of mastery with selfish intent. It is mastery of manipulation, incorrect use of knowledge, or manipulation of the laws.
Key Words: Lack of completion, lack of closure, skill-less, avoidance of the arts, nothing to show for yourself.
Key Feelings: Not having any idea what you’re doing.
Description: Reversed, this card is the inharmonious alignment to the concept of conscious awareness. This represents the situation in which you’ve completed the course, but you still have no idea what it meant or how you performed. You might not have any idea what the journey was all about or what it meant. This energy suggests that the activity came, and went, without you even being aware of it. It shows that you are done, but you don’t understand what just completed. It leaves you with a sense of lack of completion or lack of closure. You are encouraged to reevaluate what you do and why you do it for what happens in your life is directly related to your actions no both a conscious and subconscious level.
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