Suit of Wands
Ace of Wands
Key Words: A surge of energy, Enthusiasm, Inspiration, Power, Creation, Beginnings, Potential.
Key Feelings: Feeling super jazzed about being involved in some project.
Description: This card indicates that there is a surge of energy present that can be put to work. It manifests as enthusiasm for the adventure that is mostly ethereal at this point. There may be a strong connection to intuition that is fueling the passion of creation that drives both emotion and thoughts to whirl. You may feel like there is a strong desire to channel your energy into something creative or adventurous. It should be seen that there is lots of potential in your efforts.
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Key Words: Delays, Lack of motivation, Weighed down.
Key Feelings: Feeling disappointed because you won’t let yourself get involved in some project.
Description: Reversed, this card shows that there may be a lack of motivation or ability to connect with the intuitive aspects of your Being. You may feel that every time you start towards some idea, there are distractions or complications that prevent fully locking into the energy. You may feel that the inner drive, or spark that stirs your action, has been put on hold. It may manifest as a heavy heart or the feeling that you can’t go on the next adventure.
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2 of Wands
Key Words: A goal or project, formulating a new idea, future planning, progress, decisions, discovery, weighing your options, restlessness.
Key Feelings: That feeling of needing to experience life. Feeling like you’re missing out.
Description: This card suggests that the energy around you is restless for the adventure. You may find yourself dreaming of the possibilities and imagining all the possible outcomes. This card carries the excitement that you will, or won’t, follow through with your commitment. It’s as if the pros and cons are being evaluated, but you know you’re going on the adventure anyway. This is the decision card, but the decision has already been made. Thus, it asks you to define how; will it be hard, easy, fast, long, etc.
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Key Words: Fear of unknown, lack of planning, inner conflict, can’t decide.
Key Feelings: That feeling of waiting for a package that never arrives.
Description: Reversed, this card shows that what holds you back is fear of the unknown. The adventure that is on your mind is not clearly formed. If feels as if all your planning will not be enough or that you’re stuck in the planning phase. There is inner conflict that prevents forward motion. It could be as simple as you simply can’t decide. This energy may show that you are burdened by the process with no hope of getting to the adventure.
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3 of Wands
Key Words: Completion of the first stage, optimism, preparation, foresight, enterprise, expansion.
Key Feelings: That feeling when you bags are packed, you have your ticket and you’re waiting to travel.
Description: This card suggests that there is a strong sense of optimism in what you have planned. You are prepared and ready for the adventure. It’s as if you are standing in the airport with ticket in hand and you’ve got time to wait. You are not only ready and prepared, but the wheels are turning because you see the path. This card represents the time that you get to celebrate what you’ve done as what you’ve done has prepared you for where you are going. It’s the transition point.
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Key Words: Lack of foresight, delays, obstacles to long-term goals.
Key Feelings: Feeling that you forgot a bag, or the ticket will take you to the wrong place.
Description: Reversed, you think you’ve prepared, but there are holes in the plan. There are obstacles in your path that shade how you see the future. Any time you try to make forward progress, something steps up to heed your forward progress. Rules and regulations may feel overwhelming or ridiculous. There might be an air of pessimism in your actions and thoughts. Others may express their concerns for your wellbeing and security.
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4 of Wands
Key Words: Joy, celebration after hard work, harmony, marriage, home, community, being ready, work is easy.
Key Feelings: That feeling that you can get things done and you’re just waiting for the next order.
Description: This card suggests that you are ready and capable to take on the world. The activities on your daily life come easy and life is generally harmonious. You may speak positively, with joy, about your family, home or work life. Those around you reinforce your successful demeanor and contribute to the calibration of life. Yes, there is hard work, but you are capable and willing to take it on. Life feels ordered, results come easy and your word is music to the ears.
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Key Words: Breakdown in communication, transition, nothing comes easy.
Key Feelings: That feeling where you realize that what you did is not correct, and you’ll have to do it over again.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that you might be stuck in a position of waiting for something that never comes. Work is hard, and it feels that way. You might feel that you are in a perpetual state of transition that never leads anywhere. On the outside life is ordered, but inside you feel like you’re forever going in circles getting nowhere. You may be in a time when what you say is misinterpreted and not corrected until resources are wasted or improper results are generated. You may feel like you have lost time or things that have been done need to be undone and restarted in order to get it right.
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5 of Wands
Key Words: Struggles, irritation, competition, disagreement, excitement, strife, tension, conflict, being tested, unavoidable trouble.
Key Feelings: That feeling that you are ready to play and the coach calls you into the game.
Description: This card indicates a time of struggles and unavoidable trouble. It is a time where your abilities are tested. There will be competition, disagreement, tension and compromise. Everything is a battle. The joy of the adventure has turned to irritation. Others are seen as obstacles, or barriers, that prevent forward progress. There is the sense that you are always on guard and the foundation upon which you stand is not solid. Conflict is inevitable, yet forward motion is found in compromise, removing restrictive requirements and honoring the requests of others.
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Key Words: Conflict avoidance, diversity, dread, agreeing to disagree.
Key Feelings: Being signed up for a sport you don’t want to play, and you make up excuses with the hope that you don’t have to participate.
Description: Reversed, this card represents the energy that drives someone to avoid situations and prevent conflict. You may feel required to give into other’s demands, yet you are not aligned to the decision or action. There might be a strong stubbornness to hold your ground or a resolve to agree to disagree. The trials and tribulations of life are happening, but you are refusing to step up and be tested.
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6 of Wands
Key Words: Success, victory, accomplishment, public recognition, progress, self-confidence.
Key Feelings: That feeling when you receive a hard-earned certificate of achievement.
Description: This card suggests that success, or an accomplishment, is at hand, of just completed. The energy is that of public recognition of your accomplishment or victory. This may manifest as a new job, new title, certifications, new credentials, award or fame. This energy helps build a sense of self-confidence and lets you know you’re on the right track. It is a transition between one form of the adventure and another. It symbolizes well-deserved success.
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Key Words: Egotism, disrepute, lack of confidence, fall from grace.
Key Feelings: That feeling that I deserve this more so than anyone else.
Description: Reversed, this card represents excessive self-importance or a fall from grace. It is that energy that makes you feel that you are better than others and you can do no wrong. Unfortunately, that energy brings downward adjustments to your position in life. Things that you say and do may be miss-interrupted so that others loose respect for you. You may feel cast out, shunned or void of confidence. The ego may be in play which taints your inner intentions.
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7 of Wands
Key Words: Competition, courage, determination, challenge, perseverance, holding your ground, reaching higher ground, standing strong in your values.
Key Feelings: That feeling you get when you speak the truth and it is undeniable, yet challenged.
Description: This card suggests that the current situation is one where courage is required to hold your ground. It is as if you’ve made decisions that you’re sticking too and everyone else is waiting for your fall. The energy is there to empower you to hold your ground, stand guard and determine your next step up. You are encouraged to rigorously support your values and be firm in your purpose. The situation at hand is a challenge and the energy to persevere is around you.
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Key Words: Giving up overwhelmed, overly protective, backing away.
Key Feelings: That feeling when you know you’ve taken on too much and you have to admit it to yourself and back off.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that the current situation may be too much to handle. The competition has pushed you to the edge or into an overly protective posture. The energy supports a calculated retreat. It may feel that courage has drained through and blown away leaving you frightened and unstable. It may indicate that you have lost touch with your inner values or you are not defending them.
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8 of Wands
Key Words: Activity, travel, new momentum, speed, air travel, movement, swift change.
Key Feelings: That feeling of knowing your target is pierced before you even draw the bowstring back.
Description: This card suggests that you are actively on the offensive perusing your journey. What you aim at hits the target, where you step you find solid ground, the wind is at your back. There is momentum behind your actions and things fall together quickly. You may witness, or be part of, or initiate swift change in your current situation. The energy is smooth, full and empowering. It may feel as if there is a wave of energy pushing you along making life feel effortless. This energy is like having an army at your back as you advance to conquer your opposition.
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Key Words: Delays, frustration, holding off, activity without intension, change that is out of control.
Key Feelings: That feeling of being blown in the wind or spun up in a whirlwind.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that the energy is pushing everywhere all at once. It’s the feeling of being torn between a hundred activities all at the same time. It’s the inability to focus or finding that there is no power behind your thrust. It may feel like you’re a leaf in the wind being push somewhere where you are not comfortable. The energy suggests that you may be holding off when you should be fully involved. Being unable to ‘hit the mark’ may leave you frustrated.
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9 of Wands
Key Words: Determination to succeed, strength in reserve, courage, persistence, test of faith, resilience, you are equipped to survive.
Key Feelings: The feeling of the deep inner drive to complete the last hour of an all-day marathon.
Description: This card is about digging in deep to find your reserves. It represents the moment when you are totally exhausted, but you can finally see the completion of the project or journey. It is the point where you bring in the energy you didn’t know you had in order to make it the last leg of the adventure. Its persistence and faith rolled together in the recognition that you’ve nearly completed the journey, you have to finish the last leg. This is the supreme test of courage and faith with the intention that you will survive the ordeal.
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Key Words: On edge, defensive, hesitant, paranoia, at limit.
Key Feelings: The feeling in your stomach when you stand on the edge of a cliff and look down.
Description: Reversed, you may feel on edge, pushed to your limits, or paralyzed by your situation. It may feel that you just can’t take another step or that the foundation will collapse out from underneath you. You may feel that you will surely die if you take one more step. This energy is laced with paranoia and a severe life-threatening sense of self-defense.
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10 of Wands
Key Words: Too many responsibilities, disillusionment, burden, hard work, stress, achievement.
Key Feelings: The feeling that you can’t go on vacation because you have to work.
Description: This card suggests that the energy that kills adventure is responsibility. Your inner spirit may be longing for the adventure, but it feels bogged down and burdened by the responsibilities of life. It may feel unbearable to have to go through the daily tasks, stresses and political games, when the spirit knows the unbounded feeling of being free. Whatever is built, must be maintained. Maintaining something requires work, yet that work may be more than you’re willing to give. It may be that the dream of what you wanted in life does not match the reality of what you have. The life you thought was going to be all roses turns out to be loaded with thorns.
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Key Words: Avoiding responsibility or obligations, forced to be responsible, controlled by others.
Key Feelings: The feeling that you’re doing work that no one cares about.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that you may be avoiding responsibility or obligations. You may feel like you’re forced to have to perform insignificant tasks or attend mundane gatherings when you know that it’s a waste of time and energy. You may feel controlled by others or locked into having to perform what they request of you. This card hints that you may feel deceived to find out that being the boss is harder than being the servant. You might feel that your life is just crazy made up busy work that really isn’t important to anyone.
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Page of Wands
Key Words: Inspiration, untapped potential, a fresh start, enthusiasm, exploration, discovery, free spirit, playful, wit.
Key Feelings: The feeling you experience next to a young boy that is fully engaged living out his imagined adventure.
Description: This card can be thought of as the energy felt when looking through the eyes of a young boy who is imagining a heroic adventure filled with action, conquest and discovery. It is the energy that honors divine inspiration and untapped potential. This card gives you the freedom to make a fresh start and make it glorious! With childlike enthusiasm, you may be compelled to actually explore, rather than simply thinking about it. This card is also a messenger indicating that someone may be in, or entering your life, that is a free spirit, free thinker or freely playful which will grab your attention inspiring your own sense of adventure.
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Key Words: Setbacks to new ideas, pessimism, lack of direction, being conned, taken for a ride.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being conned.
Description: Reversed, this card is the young boy playing with no idea what he’s doing and no focus. At one moment it looks like there is a plan and then the next it’s completely changed. It is easy to get drawn into the game for there is just enough there for you to believe it and then it changes with no thought of the impact. The messenger here is willing to take you on a ride and then drop you off in the middle of nowhere without second thoughts. It is the energy that sets you up and draws you in, only to take your cash and disappear.
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Knight of Wands
Key Words: A move, a change of home, journeys, powerful energy, passion, lust, action, adventure, impulsiveness.
Key Feelings: It is an overwhelming ‘just do it’ feeling which you feel compelled to act upon right now.
Description: This card transcends the thought or feeling of doing something to actually moving forward with gusto. It is the type of energy that can, and does, move mountains. It is the pursuit of the idea. With authority, everything about you may be uprooted and placed somewhere new. Solid movement is made driven by passion and honor, yet it is impulsive. Be cautious about the feeling ‘to just do it and think about it later’ for that will be the impulse energy which could lead to difficulties later. As a messenger, you may be drawn to someone that is in command of a project, shows no fear and possess unbounded passion.
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Key Words: Haste, scattered energy, delays, frustration, unpredictable, reckless, lacking foresight.
Key Feelings: It’s the “I’m going to do this” energy regardless of the consequences.
Description: Reversed, this card may turn your life upside down. It is powerful energy of action or doing. It is the ‘haste makes waste’ type of actions that can mow your current situation over. You may be forced to move, but not know where you’re going. You may be involved in a large movement, but have no idea what the goal is. Lots of energy may be wasted in a reckless or non-productive way. This is the card that shows that the situation really hasn’t been thought out or planned in any way. There is an extreme feeling of lack of foresight that can manifest in frustration and delays. As a messenger, you may find yourself stuck with someone that misuses resources, or people, with no regard to the damage that they are causing.
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Queen of Wands
Key Words: Generosity, warmth, open-heartedness, exuberance, vibrancy, determination, sustainable.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being able to help everyone do everything all of the time.
Description: This card represents the image of the super-mom. The energy is rooted in the feminine characteristics of warmth, generosity and open-heartedness, yet it stands uniquely independent and confidence in her own right. When this energy comes your way, you might feel like you can do multiple things at the same time, and you do. You will be able to seamlessly juggle many activities at the same time and get them all completed. Not only is the energy there to help others, but you are able to take care of yourself at the same time. As a messenger, someone may come into a guiding position in your life that exudes a strong independence, open-hearted acceptance and endless determination. Decisions made will be grounded in success and sustainable.
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Key Words: Shrinking violet, aggressive, demanding.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being forced, beyond your will, to service others.
Description: Reversed, the energy of sustainability is gone. This card may indicate that you feel taken advantage of or you just can’t help anyone with anything anymore. You are forced into situations where obligations and prior arrangements must be completed, but you have nothing left to give. You may feel like you need your own space or that you just want to be left totally alone. When carrying out your duties, it may be with aggression rather than compassion. You may feel the need to hide or not be touched.
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King of Wands
Key Words: Confidence, enthusiasm, willpower, natural-born leader, vision, entrepreneur, honor, optimistic, fair, motivating.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being in the presence of a natural-born leader.
Description: This card represents the energy that leaders exude when uniting people for a cause or a stand. It is pure confidence, vision and honor in everything that you stand and fight for. It is the art of motivation and the ability to follow through. It is knowing that your word and honor are at stake and you’ll give your life to uphold your values. These may be characteristics that you uphold, or it could be someone in your immediate situation. You may find yourself supporting a leader with all your heart and conviction.
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Key Words: Impulsiveness, haste, ruthless, high expectations, mislead.
Key Feelings: The feeling when you recognize that you’ve been misled.
Description: Reversed, this card represents the darker side of leadership or the situation where someone leads through misrepresentation. Here, we find that motivation is driven by fear or intimidation, honor is replaced with plausible deniability and confidence is replaced with decree. The honor that should hold the union together is missing. In the position of the messenger, a person may enter your life that has legal authority to command you, but your heart will not be in the task. You will hold no loyalty to the person or respect their vision. Deep inside, you may see the situation as truly unfair.
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