Suit of Swords
Ace of Swords
Key Words: Upsurge of mental energy, controlled action, raw power, victory, breakthrough, mental clarity, awakening.
Key Feelings: Feeling that aha moment that connects you to understanding something.
Description: This card represents the raw power associated with finding the right solution for the given problem. It is the energy of mental clarity and logical breakthroughs. It is the aha moment of understanding where you make the connection between concepts. It symbolizes that there is raw power of clear thought at your disposal. It represents a time where it will be easy to, or you will be open to, new understandings and conceptual breakthroughs.
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Key Words: Confusion, chaos, lack of clarity, still not getting it, over your head.
Key Feelings: Feeling like others are talking a foreign language.
Description: Reversed, this card represents the mental state of still not quite getting it. It is a confused state where you’re still trying to make sense of the concept, but the dots are not being connected. There is the desire to want to understand, but it just doesn’t make sense. It may feel like you’re losing your edge or that you are not as witty as you should be.
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2 of Swords
Key Words: Indecision, refusal to face a situation, stalemate, choices, truce, stalemate, blocked emotions, stress, denial.
Key Feelings: The feeling of having to choose between to suitors.
Description: This card suggests that there is a decision that needs to be made but you’re refusing to make it. You may be weighing the pros and cons, but no matter how you measure the situation, you could go either way. It’s a stalemate, so you’ll just close your eyes and wait it out. The situation is obvious, but the will is blocked and unwilling to participate. The energy is still, as if you’re in a truce with yourself, but it’s waiting to explode.
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Key Words: Information overload, illogical decision made, can’t think straight, blindfold being ripped off, truth out in open.
Key Feelings: The feeling of having to hear your family’s opinions with regards to which suitor you should choose.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that your blindfold will be ripped off exposing all the details of the situation and you’re going to be forced to decide even if you don’t like it. This energy will not let you hide the facts from yourself or others. You will face them. The energy may be overwhelming, not expected or not believable which can lead to an irrational or illogical decision.
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3 of Swords
Key Words: Disappointment, ending or resistance, painful separation, sorrow, heartbreak, grief, rejection, betrayal.
Key Feelings: The feeling of emotional pain that sets memories for life.
Description: This card suggests that you are at a sudden transition point that brings a surprisingly painful emotional discovery. It represents an ending, or rejection of betrayal of some sort that stops you cold in your tracks. The bonds that tie you to someone become severed abruptly. It is a time of sorrow, heartbreak and grief. This card indicates that you might be in a situation that will not be forgotten for a long period of time. In some situations, this card may call out your own thoughts towards another, which if acted upon, will bring equally painful emotions that you will have to hide and suppress from others that will still torment you.
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Key Words: Releasing pain, optimism, forgiveness, acceptance of pain, pain is a learning opportunity, saying you are sorry.
Key Feelings: The feeling of finally coming to grips with the emotional pain and moving on with your life.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that you might be at the transition point of coming to grips with a painful situation and you’re learning to cope. This card brings the mature rationality that painful things happen to the best of people. It signifies that emotional experiences are learning opportunities. It may indicate that the triggers that have set you a flame are now tempered with optimism. There may be a building sense of forgiveness or finally the ability to say “I’m sorry”.
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4 of Swords
Key Words: Rest, recuperation, refill, contemplation, passivity, relaxation, meditation, balancing your thoughts, seeking harmony with self, looking within.
Key Feelings: That feeling of being complete when you’re able to silence your thoughts.
Description: This card represents the recharge of mental capacity, and energy, that happens when you’re able to still the mind or sit without a thought. It suggests that you need to truly rest the mind, body and soul. It suggests that you are at a state where it might be easy, or required, for you to seek harmony within yourself and balance your thoughts. It is a time to quietly contemplate, meditate and refill. It may also be a period of time of forced recuperation.
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Key Words: Burn-out, insomnia, unable to look within, inharmonious, unfinished list of work items, unable to move forward.
Key Feelings: The feeling of despair knowing that you’ll never be able to silence your thoughts.
Description: Reversed, this card represents a state of where your thoughts won’t let you sleep. It is the state of going over and over the checklist. It represents the state where your thoughts make enough noise that you can’t get to your inner knowing or intuition. You may feel like you’re unable to move forward or the axe is about to drop. It could represent a state of burnout and the need to unplug.
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5 of Swords
Key Words: Engaging in conflict, tension, loss or capture, defeat or conquest, win at all costs, hostility, facing up to limitations.
Key Feelings: The feeling of having to win at all costs.
Description: This card suggests that you may be so caught up in some situation where you will fight, without regard to what happens. It suggests that there is strong mental engagement, where you are trying to win regardless of the cost. It is unclear what the outcome will be; win or lose, but for sure there will be costs that will need to be paid. The energy is hostile, full of conflict. It will take you to your limits and test what you are capable of.
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Key Words: Looking for a solution, swallowing pride, open to healing, past resentment, forced to revisit past conflicts.
Key Feelings: The satisfaction of having won, but the costs make you feel like you’ve lost.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that you will now experience the cost of having done battle. It is the type of energy one might experience when they realize that they lost a family member in the battle. It is the moment after the immediate regret or the feeling that you could have handled the situation differently. It represents a state of picking up the pieces and being reminded that your own pride led you into this mess. It may be that reminders of previous battles are brought up regarding family or work situations that are still unfinished.
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6 of Swords
Key Words: Moving away from stress, difficulties overcome, regretful but necessary transition, rite of passage, letting go of issues.
Key Feelings: The feeling that the only way to get over something is to perform a geographic.
Description: This card suggests that there is a great need, or desire to move away from the stress in your life, or the difficulties of the current situation. The immediate solution might be to perform a geographic and simply start over again; Yet you can’t get away from your own thoughts. Outwardly, you may end up living out, what you inwardly need to address. This card represents that you’re floating between action. No matter what path you choose, you will be moving away from the turmoil of the past into a calmer emotional future.
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Key Words: Cannot move on, carrying baggage, dwelling on the past.
Key Feelings: The feeling that doing a geographic will not solve the problems that are within you.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that you will need to complete your understanding of the power of thoughts before being able to move forward. This card indicates that without embracing the concept that your thoughts are the source of your manifestations, you will be stuck having to relive the same types of experiences over and over again. This card symbolizes that you might be reliving past thought patterns or experiencing thought patterns that stir up old emotional responses.
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7 of Swords
Key Words: Guile, tact, diplomacy, strategy, deceit, sneaky behavior, avoiding being caught, covert, secrecy, escaping.
Key Feelings: That feeling of willingly going against your inner truths with the hope of getting your way.
Description: This card suggests an energy of manipulation of a situation in order to have a desire fulfilled. You may be the person manipulating the situation or the one being manipulated. This card encourages diplomacy, but the situation will most likely be full of deceit, sneaky behavior and secret covert operations. There is treachery at work and you are most likely right in the thick of it. It may be that the situation has already transpired and you now have to find a way to distance yourself or escape. There may be a strong sense of impending doom, yet there is no turning back and no possibility of escape. The only solution is diplomacy.
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Key Words: Caught out, challenges, breaking habits, being discovered, sneaking around.
Key Feelings: The feeling and knowing that you will be caught.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that no matter how much you try to hide your actions, strategy or deceit, you will be caught. What happens in your thoughts will always, eventually, be manifest in the physical realm. If there is an affair going on, it will be exposed. If there are secrets being kept, they will be revealed. If there is dissidence with your inner being, your worldly life will display the disease.
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8 of Swords
Key Words: Fear of breaking free, indecision, paralyzed, limiting beliefs, blind-spots, need to take responsibility for your thoughts, self-imprisonment, self-imposed boundaries.
Key Feelings: The feeling that you can’t break the thought patterns that actively bind you into a state of fear.
Description: This card describes a situation where your own thoughts have captured your will and manifested a response in which you are paralyzed by fear. This card hints that we can be stuck not being able to make a decision because we have willfully refused to keep an open mind or do the research needed to fully understand our predicament. Blindly living your life based upon what others tell you will lead to situations in which you will have a limited ability to successfully come to a resolution. You must think for yourself and realize that you imprison and bound yourself.
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Key Words: Freedom, a way out, self-acceptance, no longer playing victim, realizing you imprison yourself.
Key Feelings: The feeling of hope when you make the connection that your thoughts are leading to, or feed, your fear.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that you may be experiencing the aha moment where you make the connection that your own thoughts are in discord with what you feel inside and they have led to your imprisonment. It is a moment of self-acceptance and release. It is the realization that you can be free if you so choose. It can be as simple as reassuring yourself that the sun will rise again tomorrow or a deep inner knowing that you victimize yourself. If you so accept this energy, you will be free from your self-inflicted bondage.
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9 of Swords
Key Words: Anxiety, despair, negative thoughts, depression, worry, nightmares, waking up with your heart racing, a wet dream.
Key Feelings: The feeling of fear; believing that what happens in your head is real and out of control.
Description: This card suggests a period or time of high anxiety where you get to unwittingly experience the mind body connection in all its extremes. This is the card of nightmares where you wake up with your heart racing or in a cold sweat. The physical reactions may bring you to a state of despair, or drive you into worry for your own condition. This card shows that the body reacts literally to what happens in the mind. You are being asked to notice and honor the connection rather than fear it.
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Key Words: The body responds to thought, don’t sweat the small stuff, getting perspective.
Key Feelings: The feeling of knowing that what you think, so you are.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that here may be a glimmer of understanding as you witness the mind body connection in action. It may represent a period of time where you experiment with your dreams or observe mind over matter situations. It hints that the out of control nature of the mind will not destroy your world or drive you insane, but rather empower you to live richer experiences because both the mind and body work together.
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10 of Swords
Key Words: An inevitable ending, promise of a new beginning, trapped within the illusion, destined to repeat the process, being attached to what is lost.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being trapped in your bodily experiences and being destined to repeat them.
Description: This card represents the cycles that we experience while we’re trapped in the illusion of life. It shows that on every path we take, there is an ending and new beginning with each experience. This card tells us that the processes are bound to be repeated and only you, through your work, and by paying close attention to your thoughts, will you be able to change the outcome. Here, there may be a great sense of attachment to what is lost. You may also have a steadfast belief in the system and an unwavering resolve that you performed correctly.
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Key Words: Release from pain, light at the end of the tunnel, new beginnings.
Key Feelings: The innate understanding that the physical environment is simply an illusion that no longer controls your life.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that freedom can be found in your understanding that life if but an illusion. The experiences we have, which come and go, are simply plotlines in a movie that is contrived in our mind. The attachments that we have to the physical are but a means to sense the results of our thoughts. This card suggests that the new experiences that are coming your way will be more beautiful, touch you deeper and be more fulfilling.
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Page of Swords
Key Words: Energetic idea, intelligence, quick-wittedness, communication, curious, mentally restless, no agenda, informative, truthful, helps with self-discovery.
Key Feelings: The feeling when you’re young, idealistic and naïve, thinking you can change the world or do anything you set your mind too.
Description: This card suggests that the energy around you is conducive for exploring the possibilities of following a new energetic idea. There is boundless energy available for lots of communication and quick-witted conversations. This Page could represent another person that has entered your life that is youthful, curious and intelligent. Someone that is willing to work with you and help you explore some new aspect of your life. With this helper, what you see is what you get. There is no hidden agenda, they are genuinely truthful. A person with this energy is someone that you can trust, talk to and believe what they have to say.
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Key Words: Gossip, all talk and no action, haste, has an agenda, untruthful, lack of wisdom, inexperienced, annoying.
Key Feelings: The disappointment in yourself for believing your idealistic dreams could actually change the world.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that you may cross paths with a youthful character that is quick witted and is willing to help you investigate some new interest in your life. The complication is that this guide most likely has their own agenda. They might win your confidence, but they really aren’t being truthful. This person would be prone to gossip and you might be the target of the bad energy. This person will most likely make quick decisions that don’t quite work as intended. They may be attractive and captivating, but woefully inexperienced. In the heat of the moment, you may not notice the lack of wisdom this person exudes, but afterwards it will be obvious. Be careful to not fall into an ‘all talk, no action’ situation.
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Knight of Swords
Key Words: Dramatic change, new perspectives, action-oriented, communicative, intellectual challenger or challenges, test of wit, courageous, swift, obsessed with idea, accountable for actions, cannot be stopped, determined.
Key Feelings: The feeling that you have a best friend that will do absolutely anything to support your position in a situation.
Description: This card suggests that there is a great amount of energy at your disposal that will help drive you forward. It would best be represented as being another person that steps up on your behalf and supports you with their intellect and wit. The action is swift or dramatic. The energy may challenge you to hold your position, or it may cut down any challenges or opposition. Once activated, this energy will take no prisoners and will have to run its course. In the end, there will be accountability for all actions, thus the card suggests caution. Inwardly, you may feel obsessed with an idea or action that you just can’t give up on. This energy may manifest a helpful lawyer, policeman into your life.
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Key Words: Scattered thought, disregard for consequences, cuts back against you, upheaval, opinionated, unwilling to be accountable for actions, lacking in being action-oriented, unaware of others.
Key Feelings: The feeling where you expect your best friend to fight for you, but they turn against you.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that the current situation may be out of control quickly. It would best be represented as your best friend turning against you because they are obsessed about one particular issue that they can’t let go. The energy suggests conflict and wounds to everyone involved. Things will get thrown out of place and people will be avoiding accountability at all costs. There may be hostel actions performed with no regard for the consequences to themselves or others. It is the card that is intellectually intimidating and repressive. This energy may manifest confrontations with a lawyer or policeman in your life.
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Queen of Swords
Key Words: Strength, independence, courage in adversity, quick thinker, organized, perceptive, self-reliance, a divorcee or widow, excellent judge, devoid of emotion, intellectual, grounded in reality, facts based.
Key Feelings: The feeling is that of the old widow that has experienced the world that tells you what is on her mind.
Description: This card represents the mature, witty old widow that has everything that she needs and earned it. The energy usually comes as another person that enters your life that is there to help. She is independent, organized, perceptive and self-reliant. The energy shows that where she is void of emotion, she makes up for in intellect. She is firmly grounded in reality and, most likely, would make an excellent judge. She rules based on facts and has the courage to stand up to adversity. She has a protective demeanor and expects everyone to follow the law.
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Key Words: Overly-emotional, bitchy, cold-hearted, relationships clouding vision, hard edged, assertive, bitter old hag, intolerant, mean.
Key Feelings: The feeling is that of the old divorcee that has nothing but bitter words that she spews on everyone.
Description: Reversed, this card represents the bitter old woman that has everything that she needs, but she rode the coattails of others to get it. This energy usually comes as another person that enters your life even though it was not desired. The energy that she is a hard-ass, assertive, mean woman. She has her opinion and she is going to make sure you know it. Her interpretation of the facts is skewed so that she is always the victim. She is cold-hearted and tends to mangle in other’s affairs. She is the type of ruler that dies quietly and no one attends the funeral.
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King of Swords
Key Words: Justice, ethics, compassion, clear thinking, intellectual power, authority, truth, strategist, gifted negotiator, military commander, professional advisor, detached emotionally, incorruptible.
Key Feelings: The feeling of having the old man on your side as an asset; he knows how to get things done.
Description: This card represents the energy of a just and ethical leader that is on your side or at your side. This energy generally manifests as someone that comes into, or is in, your life and they are there to support you. The person is a compassionate, or authority, figure. The energy represents someone that believes strongly in justice and is an excellent natural, gifted negotiator. He might take the form of a military commander, doctor or professional advisor. He would be detached from your emotional situation, but completely incorruptible in his loyalty. He is a clear-thinking strategist.
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Key Words: Manipulative, tyrannical, abusive, corrupted, ‘loose cannon’, prone to aggression.
Key Feelings: The feeling of having the old man as a liability because he’s always involved in what you do.
Description: Reversed, this card represents the energy of a tyrannical, abusive ruler. This energy generally manifests as someone that is in your life, or someone that will come into your life, that will require your attention and generally abuse your resources. It is that ‘loose cannon’ type of personality that cannot be trusted. There are clear signs of manipulation, but when called out, this person is prone to aggression as a means of suppression. It is highly probable that the person is deeply corrupted or a double agent of some type.
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