Suit of Cups
Ace of Cups
Key Words: Emotional fulfillment, start of a relationship, love, compassion, creativity, emotional abundance, spiritual connection of emotion, birth or renewed bond.
Key Feelings: That intuitive aha moment of understanding which is clear and pure regarding some emotional insight.
Description: The birth or a new start that will involve affairs of the heart. This card indicates that the energies of creativity, that are felt as love and compassion, will be, or have been, accentuated. The card suggests that whatever endeavor is at hand, the energies of emotional fulfillment and abundance will be in play. If you have not felt creative, this card indicates that the creative spark is posed to set you aflame. Spiritually, this card suggests that you may feel a strong connection to the divine and engaging in compassionate acts will feel natural and harmonious. The emotional bonds that tie living creatures together will grow stronger.
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Key Words: Blocked or repressed emotions, unable to feel love or compassion, void of creativity, spiritually stagnant, unable to accept.
Key Feelings: Feeling like you’ve been overlooked once again and its torture to have to witness someone else receiving what is rightfully yours.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that there may emotional blockages and repressed feelings that may prevent, or accompany, the arrival or a new experience. The birth, or new start, will be felt, but the response may be to suppress or deny any love which may be expressed as carelessness or lack of compassion. Here, you may witness the creative spark ignite in someone close, but be closed to the emotional abundance that they experience. Any connection to the divine may feel distant and empty. Emotional bonds will feel stagnant or reversed.
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Two of Cups
Key Words: Partners, friendships, balance of opposites, unified love, partnership, attraction, relationships.
Key Feelings: That feeling where you want to be around someone. That feeling of trust where you are willing share deeply sensitive parts of your life with someone else.
Description: Choosing the Two of Cups indicates that you are about to, or are experiencing, the joy of the first phases of a relationship. It is a time where you will feel like you are able to trust and rely on the other person. This is a card representing two energies that are equally balanced. Both parties are willing and open to making the union work. There is a hint of infatuation which overrides previous emotional scars and supports the willingness to forget and forgive. This card suggests that peace is possible and emotional bonds can be rebuilt. The energy is such that you’re willing to give yourself, freely, to the cause.
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Key Words: Break-up, imbalance in a relationship, lack of harmony.
Key Feelings: That feeling when someone takes advantage of your vulnerability and you can't shake that it was done intentionally.
Description: The inversed Two of cups indicates that you are, or about to, experience discord in what was once a harmonious relationship. This card represents the first hints where you feel like you are too close to someone or you catch them in a lie. You expect, but are not seeing, balance in a relationship. You may feel dissidence that prevents you from intuitively trusting the other person or situation. The blinders that helped you forget and forgive pervious experiences are down and those memories may come back up. This card suggests that you may be more guarded with regards to the bonds you have with others and how much emotional energy you apply to the situation. If you are intertwined with something, it may feel like it’s strangling you emotionally.
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Three of Cups
Key Words: Rejoicing, celebration, joy, friendship, creativity, community, affirmation.
Key Feelings: Feeling behind an honest, respectful, heartfelt toast given freely to a close companion.
Description: This card suggests that you are ready and willing to receive happiness and joy into your life. It indicates that you are in harmony with the first stages of the given adventure and you’re celebrating, knowing that the future will be as good, or better, then the past. This card brings a deep sense of well-being that is sensed from friends and family. Others recognize your accomplishments and support you emotionally. This card represents the triumph over illness, disharmonious situations and stagnant routines or activities.
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Key Words: An affair, 'three's a crowd', stifled creativity, funeral, final achievement.
Key Feelings: That feeling when you recognize that you have been replaced by the other woman or man. That sense of replacement, but the fight still remains.
Description: Reversed, the recognition that you might expect for your accomplishment may feel lacking or hollow. Behind the scenes, or possibly in plain sight, the fulfillment that you’re expecting from others does not show up. You may feel interference from someone else, or engage in an affair. If you’re involved in a group of people, you may feel that someone else is getting recognized for your hard work. It may be that a project you were emotionally attached to did not turned out as once envisioned. It may represent the toast at a funeral or acknowledgement of a project terminated.
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Four of Cups
Key Words: Discontent, dissatisfaction, boredom, contemplation, apathy, re-evaluation.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being exhausted regarding doing the same old activities.
Description: This card suggests that you might be taking your situation for granted. Your actions may show that you are bored, discontent or dissatisfied with your current lot in life. The card hints that there may be apathy just under the surface that colors the decisions that you make. Even though others may see the situation as satisfying, active and full of content, you may not. The cups indicate that there is room for emotional growth if you are willing to be thankful and re-apply yourself.
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Key Words: Boredom, missed opportunity, being aloof.
Key Feelings: Feeling of knowing that you turned down a good opportunity, but not caring.
Description: Reversed, your apathy may lead you to missed opportunities. Getting stuck re-evaluating and contemplating situations will prevent forward movement and lead to separation. There may be a strong sense that your life is radically different than what you had imagined, yet all the necessities of life are within arm’s reach. There may be a feeling that the situation is dull or uneventful. Good fortune taken for granted.
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Five of Cups
Key Words: Sorrow, melancholy, disappointment in love, loss, regret, despair, bereavement, bad choice.
Key Feelings: Feeling like the argument got out of control or you were completely misunderstood.
Description: This card suggests that there may be a time of bereavement at hand. This card hints that emotions may have been involved in previous decisions, or simply flowed uncontrollably, tainting the current moment. You may feel the need to cry, or an overall sadness. There is a deep sense of loss that you may feel a personal, regretful, attachment too as if the problem is because of a choice that you made. There is still value in the turbulence relationship. To move forward, foster any spark of hope and let time heal the wounds. You will need to rebuild the relationship.
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Key Words: Moving on, acceptance, forgiveness, learn to take risks again, end of suffering.
Key Feelings: The feeling that the issue is finally out in the open.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that it may be time to move forward with your situation. If you have been suffering, or consumed by great disappointment, that energy may be moving on. Here, the energy turns towards acceptance and forgiveness for yourself and others. The card brings the realization that it is ok to allow yourself to be open emotionally. This card may indicate that you have found enough strength to be willing to love again. You are cried out and ok. Be willing to make choices again.
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6 of Cups
Key Words: Past efforts bear fruit in the present, reunion, nostalgia, childhood, memories, innocence.
Key Feelings: That intense carefulness expressed when handling the most delicate flower.
Description: This card suggests a mature emotional understanding and acceptance to the fragility of people with regards to emotions. It hints that you are here to protect the innocence that is present in all living Beings. The energy draws you to pay close attention to your actions for everything grows in time to mature into what each seed will become. What was planted, cared for, emotionally supported has now matured into something you can share and help others with. This is the card of reunions, gatherings, sharing with long lost lovers and reflecting upon how things have changed.
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Key Words: Stuck in the past, naivety, unrealistic.
Key Feelings: The feeling of pity seeing that the seedling refuses to grow.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that too much energy is spent reliving what has already passed. It may show an obsession with hanging onto, or hoarding, what was emotionally touching from era’s long sense passed. This card hints that the energy that is around you may be resistant to the change that happens in time. There is the risk that decisions will be based on unrealistic expectations or lead to outcomes that are known to be on opposition to your goal.
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7 of Cups
Key Words: Making a realistic choice, creative potential, fantasy, wishful thinking, choices, imagination, dreams.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being super excited about an idea, yet you haven’t done any of the dirty work to try to support it yet.
Description: The energy that surrounds this card is ethereal, yet stirs the emotions. It may feel like you’ve fixated on an idea and that idea has grown into a grandiose situation that has you all excited, yet no action has been performed. It hints that you may be caught up in some creative potential of the imagination and not making realistic choices for yourself and others. The energy is indecisive because the fantasy is to emotionally appealing. Energies that feed the imagination will be in full force. The challenge is to keep your feet on the ground.
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Key Words: Temptation, illusion, diversionary tactics.
Key Feelings: The feeling that the idea is a gamble, yet can’t help but choose.
Description: Reversed, this energy brings up the need to be cautious. The situation, or choices, that you are presented with may not lead to what you expect. The temptations of your situation may be more than can be rationally thought out. You may be deceiving yourself because your hopes are unrealistically high for the situations at hand. Be careful, others may use diversionary tactics to redirect your energy for their own fantasies.
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8 of Cups
Key Words: Letting go, abandoning hope, escapism, disappointment, abandonment, withdrawal.
Key Feelings: That feeling when you recognize what you’ve been doing will not work.
Description: This card suggests that there is a strong desire to simply walk away from the situation. That desire is rooted in understanding that in order to move on, you have to leave the current situation behind. This card represents the situation where you know that the only way to restart is to completely cut ties with what drags you down. It is the state of losing hope in what is, but not with what can be. It may hint that you need time to heal or regroup. You may choose to start something new that is opposed to what has been happening.
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Key Words: Hopelessness, aimless drifting, walking away.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being caught up in something that won’t work.
Description: Reversed, this card may indicate that you are stuck in a situation in which all hope has been lost. Your life and emotions drift aimlessly caught in the situation where you feel too weak to resist. The issues may be rooted in the subconscious at depths that seem too deep to purge. You may feel like you’re holding your breath or closing your eyes just to make it through another day. This card hints that you keep walking away from something you must confront. Dig deep to find the divine feelings that bring a sense of hope.
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9 of Cups
Key Words: Emotional fulfillment, true contentment, wishes fulfilled, comfort, happiness, satisfaction.
Key Feelings: The feeling of proud of achieving your heartfelt desires.
Description: The energy associated with this card is that of a mature understanding to what it takes to live and enjoy an emotionally satisfying life. It is the type of comfortable, sensual, deeply emotional satisfaction that most people dream of for their relationships. The card hints that the fulfillment is so great that it overflows to others in your environment. It is that feeling that your wishes have been granted. The happiness is grounded, firm and solid. It is the card that represents the energy of genuine pride at reaching your goal.
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Key Words: Greed, dissatisfaction, materialism.
Key Feelings: The feeling like you’re always settling for second best.
Description: Reversed, we see genuine pride turn to greed and materialism. You may feel that all your wishes have come true, but others may see you as greedy, possessive and insensitive. There may be a strong drive to acquire the finest things and show them off. There may be a false sense of fulfillment in play where the energy drives a person to show off at any cost or pretend that he has arrived when that is simply not the truth. There may be a deep driving force of dissatisfaction in what is and what can be.
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10 of Cups
Key Words: Harmony in relationships, cooperation, harmony in family, marriage, happiness, alignment.
Key Feelings: The feeling where you realize that you get to live and love your best friend.
Description: This card tells us that the current harmonic energy will lead to long lasting happiness. This is marriage energy of permanence. It is exemplified by your success and the acceptance of everything you’d asked for. The harmony in the relationship may be one where each person completes and compliments the actions of the other. There is strong unity in family and energy to create family. This card hints that there will be a long period of spiritual harmony and divine guidance. You may feel that you’ve been given the most treasured gift.
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Key Words: Misalignment of values, broken home or marriage.
Key Feelings: That feeling when you realize that the other person will never change.
Description: Reversed, this card warns us of discord and the possibility of a broken home. You may feel like there is something blocking you from committing to a marriage or to family obligations. There may be a strong sense of dissidence that drives you away from someone or something. The energy may be one of disjoint values that lead to dissolution. This card hints that we need to re-evaluate our own values or re-align to them in order to resolve the dissidence and re-embrace harmony. It may feel that happiness is just not possible if things stay the way that they are.
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Page of Cups
Key Words: Fresh beginnings, self-love, a new relationship, a messenger, creative beginnings, synchronicity, sexuality.
Key Feelings: That feeling where someone grabs you by the hand and leads you on a glorious adventure of the heart.
Description: This card is a messenger with a wink. The energy is a playful, appealing, attention grabbing force that seduces you to play along. It instructs us that something new is on the horizon that we are in harmony with. It may feed our creative imaginations or tickle our sexuality into action. Be prepared for a fresh beginning that energizes you emotionally which may include self-love. The feeling is one of synchronicity and innocent curiosity. You may discover hidden talents, latent skill or psychic abilities that you didn’t know you had. Don’t be afraid to touch.
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Key Words: Emotional immaturity, creative block, a tease, being seduced.
Key Feelings: That feeling when you knowingly do something wrong, but it feels so good.
Description: Reversed, beware of the seduction. The messenger may entice you into an action that cannot be fulfilled. The situation may turn out to simply be a tease. Emotions may be all over the board, but the one thing that is for sure is that they lack maturity. You may find yourself sucked into a new adventure that you just can’t avoid and know you shouldn’t be involved with. If you’re following a hunch, you’re probably being led astray.
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Knight of Cups
Key Words: A proposal, love, romance, charm, 'knight in shining armor', imagination.
Key Feelings: That feeling when someone makes you feel like royalty.
Description: This is the powerfully romantic aspects of love. The energy presents the chase, the charm and the imagination of how beautiful things could be. This energy generally represents someone or something that sweeps us off our feet and drives us into a whirlwind of an adventure of the heart. You may give or receive a proposal, yet care should be taken for the true person behind the armor is not seen. The card hints that there will be a particularly busy period of time where emotional energy is channeled via charm, or your imagination, to create a high intensity relationship. If you find yourself alone, this card could symbolize a personal quest to reach deeper into the psyche.
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Key Words: Unrealistic, jealousy, moodiness, possessiveness, toxic.
Key Feelings: That trapped feeling where you realize that you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that there might be a very strong willed, energetic person that as entered your life in a way that gives them control. Emotional interactions may be filled with spouts of jealousy, moodiness or possessive limitations on your actions, thoughts and feelings. It may represent a toxic relationship – one that you can’t leave and can’t stay. It also represents unrealistic expectations of relationships. No sense of logic or submission will help the situation. You must confront the issues head on, but be fluid as water.
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Queen of Cups
Key Words: Nurturing, receptivity, emotional security, calm, compassionate.
Key Feelings: That feeling that your heart is laid bare to someone that is sympathetic.
Description: This card suggests that you may be ready to express your innermost feelings to the world without feeling vulnerable or insecure. This energy is deeply intuitive, calm and compassionate. The queen knows how you feel and where your inspiration comes from. If you embody the elements of the queen, you will be guided with mature, artistic, creative feelings that flow from deep within. You may get inspiration from touch, sight or sounds. You may find it easy to be sensual and nurturing at the same time. Your ability to know how you are feeling may give you a harmonious influence over those that cross your path.
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Key Words: Emotional insecurity, co-dependency, blocked receptivity.
Key Feelings: That feeling that your inner secret feelings are being exposed without permission.
Description: Reversed, this card represents that there may be a royal block in the energy flows that feed the emotional side of life. You may want to express your feelings, but feel that they don’t come out right or are misinterpreted. The calmness that you should be feeling is replaced by a suffocating heavy cold feeling that slows your actions and responses. This may lead to a feeling of co-dependency and inability to get things done. The inner insights are missing. You may feel that your emotions have gotten the best of you or that you’re not thinking straight. In the extreme, you may be lost in a dream world that has little basis in reality. Care must be taken to not come across moody and vindictive.
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King of Cups
Key Words: Kindness, friendliness, empathy, emotional balance and control, generosity.
Key Feelings: The feeling you get when you are accepted into a prestigious university or award.
Description: This card brings a masculine energy that deeply respects and fears the power of the intuition in all aspects of life. The figure that this card represents has a deep ability to tap into the divine inner energy and intuition in order to use that to create music, art and harmonious relationships. Fear of the power that is within leads to empathy and kindness in his actions. This energy may bring people, like teachers, doctors or other professionals, into your life that can help mature and refine your own abilities. You may be presented with situations that require a deep understanding of the human condition or you may be put in a position that requires you to rule with a kind, gentle strength.
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Key Words: Emotional manipulation, moodiness, volatility.
Key Feelings: That Monday morning feeling of dread knowing that the boss will be hung over and moody.
Description: Reversed, this card depicts a masculine energy that is unstable emotionally that has decision making abilities for you. It might be clear that there is emotional manipulation in ways that work to restrict your ability to grow and mature. There may be a person in a position of authority that makes decisions that seem irrational, volatile and counter intuitive that blocks your path to success. You may feel that being around the person is punishment. This energy tends to bring up drug abuse and alcoholism which can be emotionally draining. To make forward progress, one will need to pay close attention to your own emotions and feel how others react to your actions and words.
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