Suit of Coins
Ace of Coins
Key Words: New enterprise, financial propositions, manifestation, new financial opportunity, prosperity.
Key Feelings: That feeling that you have been selected for the job.
Description: This card suggests that there is a positive change in, or a material manifestation, of financial opportunity coming your way. The energy represents something new and tender which is coming your way which will change your position in life with regards to what you do. What we do is create. This energy suggests that new ways of creating are at hand. This could be a promotion, new job, positive change in income or change in working environment. This card hints that there are good things on the horizon that you need to manifest. It may be that the current situation, or issue at hand, will lead to a stronger sense of self-worth.
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Key Words: Lost opportunity, lack of planning and foresight, unable to manifest, without security.
Key Feelings: The feeling after turning down a lottery ticket and then later discovering that it was the winning ticket.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that opportunities have come your way but have not be recognized or embraced. It is the energy that represents the inability to bring your desires into reality. There may be a lack of clarity, or vaguely worded contracts that prevent fulfillment. You may feel insecure about your future because you’re not seeing what’s coming next.
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2 of Coins
Key Words: Fluctuation, balance, resourcefulness, adaptability, time management, prioritization.
Key Feelings: That feeling when you learn to ride a bike with no hands.
Description: This card is all about activity balancing your time between different creative endeavors. It represents the energy of motion and fluctuation applied to multiple smaller, hopeful projects. Being in harmony with this card requires adaptability, time management and resourcefulness. It’s not that you can’t choose between different pursuits, but rather you’ll do them all until the most beneficial one become obvious. This card suggests that you have the patience and endurance to achieve the desired outcome.
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Key Words: Disorganization, financial disarray, lopsided decisions, resistance to change.
Key Feelings: The feeling when riding a bike with no hands and it goes out of balance.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that the current situation maybe teetering on the brink of failure or woefully out of balance. It may feel as if your financial life is in disarray or that decisions that were made looked good, but proved not to be fruitful. It could be that you see the situation as disorganized, yet you can’t find how to order it. It could be that the natural flow of energy that should keep your productivity up comes in bits and sprits. You might find yourself resistant to change.
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3 of Coins
Key Words: Effort brings rewards, talents to be developed, teamwork, initial fulfillment, collaboration, learning.
Key Feelings: The feeling that you just finished the first draft of the novel.
Description: This card represents the state of development where you have done the hard work of creating something and everyone can see the results. It’s raw, but the refinements will come. It shows that when you allow your creative energies to flow, you develop talents and skills. The energy represents a brief position of rest during the transition. The first obligation is completed and now it’s time to move ahead to bigger and better projects or get deeper into the existing projects. This card hints that to move forward, teamwork and collaboration will be helpful. Others will recognize your talents and want to participate in your projects.
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Key Words: Lack of teamwork, disregard for skills, disappointment in the results, not wanting to finish.
Key Feelings: Not able to finish the first draft of the novel.
Description: Reversed, this card represents energy that doesn’t want to come to completion. Effort has been placed in the project, but nothing wants to come together as planned. The instruments are out of tune, the dancing is out of sync. The energy may be critical of the teamwork of lack of collaboration. The feeling of not wanting to finish may be present blocking forward progress.
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4 of Coins
Key Words: Stagnation, nothing ventured nothing gained, control, stability, security, possession, conservatism.
Key Feelings: The feeling of holding on so tightly that you can’t event breathe.
Description: This card suggests that the energy that is present or expressing itself is that of stagnation and possession. There is fear in letting go, or opening up, that pins you into inaction. You may feel stuck on the sofa or unable to find a job. It may be that you have gathered things and people around you that will leave you if you let go. The dark side leads to controlling others and refusing to bring your cash to the table. The energy flow has stopped or is severely limited. To move forward, that flow must be re-established.
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Key Words: Greed, materialism, self-protection.
Key Feelings: That panicked feeling when you find that you can’t breathe.
Description: Reversed, this card goes cold with regards to what you’ve earned and how you display yourself. You may find yourself locking yourself into your house and revisiting your bank account. You may be strategizing how you can increase your holdings with only investing the minimum amount. The card hints that you might take advantage of the weak, or use them, to try to elevate your position. It’s about the money, the things and the body guard to protect you.
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5 of Coins
Key Words: Spiritual loss, emotional loss, financial loss, isolation, insecurity, worry, poverty.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being dropped off in a foreign land, with no money, no friends and no place to stay warm and then you get sick.
Description: This card is all about loss and the fear of loss. The card indicates that there is a strong association between self-worth and financial success. The slightest failure can trigger overpowering emotional responses that hurt so deep as to feel like it’s touching your soul. The energy is such that no matter what happens, you’ll feel like your needs are not getting met. This leads to worry, insecurity, isolation that consumes your life which invites poverty and sickness into your experience. This card instructs you to look within and reconnect to your inner spirit. Nothing good can come of your outer environment when the inner environment is in shambles.
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Key Words: Recovery from financial loss, spiritual poverty, hope through your own actions.
Key Feelings: The feeling where you’re on your own and you are relieved to finally be back to work.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that you may be coming to peace with your inner self-worth. The energy gives hope that what has held you down and kept you in isolation is moving on leading to a clean path of recovery. The card hints that you may soon find a more solid home life, cash flow and people that are willing to help. The disease that causes sickness no longer has its death-hold lightening your heart and restoring your faith.
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6 of Coins
Key Words: Generosity, faith, kindness, charity, giving, prosperity, sharing wealth.
Key Feelings: The feeling of winning the lottery and sharing the abundance.
Description: This card represents a situation where you are in a position to share. The energy is aligned to solidify your ability to be generous. There is a deep sense that what you have to give is plentiful and, if you give some of this away, there will, without doubt, be more to replace it. Your faith is strong and rooted in noble values. The dice are rolling your way, all you have to do is direct the flow of energy that is every present and never ending. This is a good time to teach people to fish.
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Key Words: Debt, selfishness, one-sided charity.
Key Feelings: The feeling of winning the lottery but then spending it all on yourself.
Description: Reversed, this card shows that the energy flow is redirected towards self. You may be driven to buy multiple houses, but leave them empty. Buy multiple cars, but no one drives them. You may build a shrine, but no one will visit or worship. You may be tempted to channel the energy into more debt or give to a charity with strings attached. You may pledge to a charity, but never deliver.
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7 of Coins
Key Words: A difficult decision, patience, commitment, vision, perseverance, profit, reward, investment.
Key Feelings: That feeling of choosing between keeping a job or taking care of a dying family member.
Description: This card signifies that you have entered a period of time where great decisions will, must, be made. It is a point where you may have to choose between what you’ve spent year working on and building and something that is completely different. It’s like changing careers in midstream. There is a lot at stake so the decision is not taken lightly. You are asked to be patient, committed and maintain your vision and, if so, there is great reward for your investment. Sacrifices will need to be made. It may feel like your whole world is changing.
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Key Words: Lack of long-term vision, limited success or reward, refusing to make a difficult decision.
Key Feelings: That feeling where you know you’ve chosen the wrong investment.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that you may be avoiding making the decisions in life that move you forward. You may be being ask to choose, but you refuse and hold onto what is already in play. There may be situations that involve contemplating the long-term that you are intentionally putting off. You may feel that there is success in your current standing, but it is limited and unsustainable.
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8 of Coins
Key Words: Discovery of new talent, development of skills, apprenticeship, education, quality, engagement, thirst for knowledge.
Key Feelings: That feeling when you recognize that you can sing and you want to get better.
Description: This card is all about the quest to hone your own skills by refining your talents and satisfying your thirst for knowledge. The energy is focused, narrow and on point. This is a great time to get an apprenticeship, go back to school or simply refine your practice. It is a time of hard work, but that work is something to be proud of. This is time to invest in yourself and take it seriously. This card not only signifies material gain, but it helps build a strong emotional satisfaction in knowing that its work well done.
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Key Words: Perfectionism, lacking ambition or focus, thirst for recognition.
Key Feelings: That feeling when you recognize that you can sing and then you focus on perfecting the notes rather than the music.
Description: Reversed, this card signifies that you are up against a period of time where you could get trapped in trying to reach perfection when your mind will not define what perfection is. It is a crippling energy that forces your attention into the smallest of insignificant details which can’t be measured or qualified. You may be consumed by the need to be recognized for your skill or because of your level of book learning, yet there is no acknowledgement that will satisfy you. Everything outside of your narrow area of focus will be neglected. If left unattended, you may be seen as the crazy old scientist that won’t come out of the lab.
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9 of Coins
Key Words: Material success, well-being, contentment, gratitude, luxury, self-sufficiency, culmination, deep satisfaction with achievements.
Key Feelings: The ability to stand naked in front of the mirror and not be embarrassed.
Description: This card indicates that you are in a harmonious situation with regards to where you are in life. There is a strong feeling of well-being and a deep satisfaction with your achievements. It represents of time of contentment, gratitude and luxury. It symbolizes material success and a culmination of your life’s work. It represents a period of time where you’re confident in doing and confident in speaking your mind. You are the ruler of your own domain and you know it.
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Key Words: Over-investment in work, financial setbacks, never satisfied with achievements.
Key Feelings: Looking at your naked figure in the mirror and wanting to change what you see.
Description: Reversed, this indicates a period of time when nothing is good enough. You might be overly fixated on work or leveraged deeper than you should be. The mind is always trying to correct what’s wrong, yet the corrections aren’t satisfying. You may question your position in life or want to change it. Even though you may have a lot, there is that underlying feeling that it just isn’t enough. Or, you might encounter larger setbacks like finding your wealth readjusted during a stock market crash or your estates revalued due to a housing crisis. Maybe your yacht sinks.
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10 of Coins
Key Words: Security, abundance, lasting happiness, wealth, inheritance, family, establishment, retirement, stand the test of time, legacy.
Key Feelings: The feeling that you can sit and spend time with the dog without a care in your mind.
Description: This card suggests a major completion and the time to enjoy it. The energy represents a long-lasting security, abundance and happiness. It is the feeling that you have, and will forever have, enough wealth to complete your life comfortably. This energy buys you time to invest in family and think deeply about where you spend your time. This is the card that symbolizes that you are capable of leaving a legacy and that you have the means. What is created will have the ability to outlive you and stand the test of time. It is a time to celebrate and not worry.
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Key Words: Financial failure, loneliness, loss, missed inheritance, fear of poverty, no legacy, worn out.
Key Feelings: The feeling that you can’t get up and the dog doesn’t want to play with you.
Description: Reversed, this card represents the feeling that life has come to a dead end and you’re stuck all alone. You may feel that you’ve worked your whole life for nothing. There is pain in lost time that will never be recovered. It has the energy of financial failure, missed inheritances and the fear of never-ending poverty. You may feel that everything that you’ve worked on is crumbling apart and it will be completely gone in time. You might feel like the stream that has dried up and it will never flow again.
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Page of Coins
Key Words: Improved finances, promotion, advancement, manifestation, financial opportunity, new job, groomed for success, standout, small amounts.
Key Feelings: That feeling of hope that you have for the young republican because you hear and see all the right things.
Description: This card suggests that there is energy about that can set you up for something better. It is the energy of promotion and advancement, yet just the start of it. It is as if a financial opportunity has just walked into your life and handed you seed money. It’s as if the proposal that you’ve written is a final contender. As a messenger, someone may be looking to groom you for success. Someone sees potential in what you do and how you do it. Others may see you as the teacher’s pet or the person that stands out in the crowd. If there is money involved, it is a small amount, or the exchange is bartered based on participation.
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Key Words: Lack of progress and planning, short-term focus, overlooked, not seen, remaining on the bottom.
Key Feelings: The feeling of disgust when that young republican that does the opposite of what he says.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that no matter what you do to stand out, you are always overlooked. Regardless of how much you prepared to be noticed, someone else is picked. You may feel like you’re throwing the last of your money away on something that will never bear fruit. As a messenger, someone may be trying to groom you for something you don’t want to do or is morally unacceptable to you. They may be telling you one thing and doing another or teaching you this art of deception. You may be at the start of a political situation where you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
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Knight of Coins
Key Words: Hard work, steady progress, diligence, efficiency, routine, conservatism, methodical, perseverance, matter-of-fact personality, reliable, good to his word.
Key Feelings: The pleasurable feeling of working with someone that just gets the job done.
Description: This card represents steady progress or perseverance in a situation. The energy is a strong, grounded, powerful force that speaks matter-of-factly and does its due diligence. It is a strong methodical energy that can turn hopeless situations around. As a messenger, a person may enter your life that is good to their word and stable on their feet. They would be the most reliable and efficiently get the job done. This type of person would wake up at dawn, spend the day plowing the fields and then show up in the barn to repair the equipment until midnight.
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Key Words: Laziness, pessimistic, unreliable, his word is bad.
Key Feelings: The frustration of working with someone that drags his feet about everything.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests an energy that may make you feel like you just don’t want to show up on time. You’ll say that you’ll do it, but behind the scenes your heart is just not into it. You may be in a situation where everyone is relying on you and things just aren’t coming together. As a messenger, a person may come into your life that makes up excuses for not doing anything. They may say they will do it, but stop as soon as you turn your back. It may represent someone that never has anything nice to say and lives by the motto – why do today what you can put off to tomorrow.
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Queen of Coins
Key Words: Wealth, generosity, self-reliance, practical, homey, motherly, down-to-earth, security, eye for beauty, lover of life.
Key Feelings: The feeling of earning the respect of a female leader or authority figure.
Description: This card is the secure worldly woman. It is the feminine energy that is completely in control of the situation. She has practical yet enjoys the best things in life. She is generous, yet makes you earn it. She is motherly yet is not afraid of applying discipline. She is a lover of life and very stabilizing force. As a messenger, she would take you under her wing and inspire you to be a better person. It would be someone that is just as comfortable talking to a servant as talking to a ruler. She would give herself graciously in either case. She takes care of herself and gets what she wants.
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Key Words: Imbalance in work/family commitments, strings attached, back stabbing, ugly.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being chastised by a female leader or authority figure.
Description: Reversed, this card represents energy that is out of balance or a little deranged. If you are caught up in this energy, you may find yourself completely consumed with work at the expense of family commitment. This energy may drive you to the extremes, like using a coupon for everything, or never leaving your home or placing security cameras around everything. Wealth may be there, but the energy flow that drives generosity is gone. Any time money is given to a cause, there are strings attached. If this energy comes in the form of a messenger, the person may look together, but behind the scenes, they will be a different person. It’s the type of person that requires makeup to even start to look pretty. The person may be gifted with language, but the words will have two meanings; one to make them look good, the other to put you down.
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King of Coins
Key Words: Wealth, status, hard work, security, control, power, discipline, abundance, counselor, financial advisor, negotiator, teacher.
Key Feelings: Feeling like a kid listening to every word from the grandpa that has done everything successfully.
Description: This card represents the energy of a highly successful businessman that has reached a level of respect that his opinion moves the population. There is security provided by the wealth, yet power in his word. This is the energy of a highly educated man that is willing to help improve your life. As a messenger, this person may be here to teach you something of great value. They often represent business advisors, lawyers, conflict negotiators, professors, doctors, writers or business owners. They are hard workers and definitely in control of their senses. They command a disciplined student and teach the actions that lead to abundance.
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Key Words: Authoritative, domineering, controlling, ruler, abuse of authority, judgment.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being scolded by a father figure even though you did nothing wrong.
Description: Reversed, the energy of this card shows that rules, laws and money can keep people controlled and performing. It is where an energy where if you do not follow the rules of the land, you will be cast out and abused. It is the energy of the lawsuit that binds both the winner and loser. It can represent a long-term subservient relationship that you are involved in. As a messenger, a male figure may be in, or come into your life that is authoritarian. You may feel that you’re being judged and forced to serve the sentence regardless to how you protest with no path for overturning the ruling. It is as if they have a hand on your shoulder holding you back or keeping you down.
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