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Are you the Alex or Alexandra that is dealing with a know it all old woman?

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Every month I do a number of random Tarot card readings for people that have common names. The idea behind the readings is to tap into the subconscious in order to find the problem and advice for this specific person named. If your name matches the reading and you can identify with the problem statement, then this reading is most likely for you. If it is, please comment below letting everyone know. Else, I would greatly appreciate your help getting this information to the correct person.

Problem Statement

The problem statement seems to be based around an older woman that has experienced the world and thinks she knows it all. She is highly organized, an excellent judge and highly independent. Yet, this person may be putting you on edge. You may find yourself being defensive around her or find yourself hesitant to even open up to her when she’s around. You may feel that you are being expected to uphold someone else’s standards.



The cards have suggested that your mind is on overload and any decision that you make may be illogical. You may be feeling that your thoughts are not your own or that there are two decisions to make – hers or yours. Being in the mind position, the 2 of Swords reversed advises you to stop blinding yourself. See the situation for what it is and stand your ground. There is her influence and your free will. Before any progress can be made, you’ll need to face the situation.

The 4 of Wands in the body position shows that there is a hint of being ready, but there is a breakdown in communication or that nothing comes easy. You’re going to need to hold your ground and find new ways to communicate what you need to do in order to address the judgment of the know-it-all.

Spiritually, it’s all about acceptance and forgiveness. In order to really make forward progress, you’ll have to forgive this older woman for she doesn’t have the emotional capacity to engage in situations that are illogical or feelings based. Her relationships would be logical, yours may not, thus you will have a unique perspective that she will come to understand in time.

Cards and Questions

Q1- The problem statement.

Queen of Swords

Video Interpretation: Queen of Swords
Key Words: Strength, independence, courage in adversity, quick thinker, organized, perceptive, self-reliance, a divorcee or widow, excellent judge, devoid of emotion, intellectual, grounded in reality, facts based.
Key Feelings: The feeling is that of the old widow that has experienced the world that tells you what is on her mind.
Description: This card represents the mature, witty old widow that has everything that she needs and earned it. The energy usually comes as another person that enters your life that is there to help. She is independent, organized, perceptive and self-reliant. The energy shows that where she is void of emotion, she makes up for in intellect. She is firmly grounded in reality and, most likely, would make an excellent judge. She rules based on facts and has the courage to stand up to adversity. She has a protective demeanor and expects everyone to follow the law.

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Q2- Details about the problem.

9 of Wands (↓)

Video Interpretation: 9 of Wands (↓)
Key Words: On edge, defensive, hesitant, paranoia, at limit.
Key Feelings: The feeling in your stomach when you stand on the edge of a cliff and look down.
Description: Reversed, you may feel on edge, pushed to your limits, or paralyzed by your situation. It may feel that you just can’t take another step or that the foundation will collapse out from underneath you. You may feel that you will surely die if you take one more step. This energy is laced with paranoia and a severe life-threatening sense of self-defense.

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Advice from cards:

Q3- Mind

2 of Swords (↓)

Video Interpretation: 2 of Swords (↓)
Key Words: Information overload, illogical decision made, can’t think straight, blindfold being ripped off, truth out in open.
Key Feelings: The feeling of having to hear your family’s opinions with regards to which suitor you should choose.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that your blindfold will be ripped off exposing all the details of the situation and you’re going to be forced to decide even if you don’t like it. This energy will not let you hide the facts from yourself or others. You will face them. The energy may be overwhelming, not expected or not believable which can lead to an irrational or illogical decision.

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Q4 – Body

4 of Wands (↓)

Video Interpretation: 4 of Wands (↓)
Key Words: Breakdown in communication, transition, nothing comes easy.
Key Feelings: That feeling where you realize that what you did is not correct, and you’ll have to do it over again.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that you might be stuck in a position of waiting for something that never comes. Work is hard, and it feels that way. You might feel that you are in a perpetual state of transition that never leads anywhere. On the outside life is ordered, but inside you feel like you’re forever going in circles getting nowhere. You may be in a time when what you say is misinterpreted and not corrected until resources are wasted or improper results are generated. You may feel like you have lost time or things that have been done need to be undone and restarted in order to get it right.

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Q5 – Spirit

Five of Cups (↓)

Video Interpretation: Five of Cups (↓)
Key Words: Moving on, acceptance, forgiveness, learn to take risks again, end of suffering.
Key Feelings: The feeling that the issue is finally out in the open.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that it may be time to move forward with your situation. If you have been suffering, or consumed by great disappointment, that energy may be moving on. Here, the energy turns towards acceptance and forgiveness for yourself and others. The card brings the realization that it is ok to allow yourself to be open emotionally. This card may indicate that you have found enough strength to be willing to love again. You are cried out and ok. Be willing to make choices again.

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