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Tarot Projection for Salem Oregon

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This reading is for

Salem, Oregon Metropolitan Area
as far north as Portland


If I am interpreting this tarot spread correctly, there is some type of choreographed event that is coming to mid Oregon in about a week. That would be the week of March 14th, 2017. The energy associated with this card is akin to feeling good in a bad situation. There will be a spontaneous, or burst of enthusiasm that overwhelm the players in this event and spill over to the general population. There may be a feeling of success towards a common movement or joy. This event is influenced by the keywords of justice, ethics, compassion, clear thinking yet tempered by the reserved position of the card. This may indicate that the choreographed eruption that makes people want to dance may be based on the results of some legal action or seen as justice being served. If not this, there may be a gifted negotiator, military commander or professional adviser that is involved in some way.

The cards are hinting that this event may be generally located around a commercial area, international district or warehouse. There is a second tie into legal issues as a police station is mentioned too. There is a second reference to cool or cold as being one of the descriptors. There is also the use of word authority in the reversed position which hints of the abuse of authority or maybe justice being served to some corrupt authority.

The cards indicate that we may see this event unfold at dawn and it’s only about a week out. There could be another interpretation of dawn, we’ll have to wait and see.

The elemental influence is based on air which brings intellectual issues. This could suggest that the event may have some power behind it that is based on word-craft, strategic positioning or it could be finely calculated.

The spiritual card comes up empty hinting that this is more of a mundane event that may come and go without significantly changing the lives of the people involved.



Position 4 - When

We're either going to find a time of day, or we're going to get a feeling for how far out in time, the event is.

Inverse: (↓)
Most likely time during day: Dawn
Expect event in: About 1 weeks from today.

Position 7 - Spiritual descriptor

This card should be interpreted as if read by a Guru. It provides the divine influence or spiritual meanings.

Upright: (↑)

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Position 1 - Who

Look for personality traits of a key person involved in this event or activity.

Inverse: (↓)
Attributes of the person or people involved: Realistic, Simple, Quarrelsome, Transparent, Lackadaisical, Impractical, Cold, Artificial

Position 2 - What

This position is all about the context of the event or activity. It will provide characteristics that can be used to frame what is being predicted.

Inverse: (↓)
Event Title: - Organized Dancing
Key Words: Dance, Cinematic, Unrealistic, Eruption, Choreographed, Escapist, Orchestrated
Feeling: Being immediately overcome with a joyful, make you want to dance, type of feeling.

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Position 5 - Event influences

This card is a descriptor for the main event card.

Inverse: (↓)
Key Words: Justice, ethics, compassion, clear thinking, intellectual power, authority, truth, strategist, gifted negotiator, military commander, professional advisor, detached emotionally, incorruptible.
Feelings: The feeling of having the old man on your side as an asset; he knows how to get things done.

Position 3 - Where

Here we want to get a feeling for what the event, or activity location might be like, or described as, along with places that could be involved, or suspiciously close or related to the event.

Inverse: (↓)
Locations: Commercial area, International district, Market, Police Station, Shop, Warehouse

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Position 6 - Elemental focus

This card represents the elemental focus or the primal energies associated with the event.

Upright: (↑)

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How to Read a Predictive Spread

The idea behind this Seven Card Predictive spread is to tap into the subconscious in order to get a feeling for what’s coming to a local community in the next 30 to 60 days.

In order to help keep it simple and provide a little structure to the universe, each Seven Card Predictive spread will look for the same attributes in the same way from the cards that show up in the specific locations of the spread. The information from the cards will be displayed for the article reader in a uniform way in the posted article.

With each Predictive Tarot Reading, there will be a well defined geographical area that the reading will be for. Before each reading, the reader will perform a semi-weighted random selection from the standard metro areas in the US. That list can be found on Wikipedia as the List of Metropolitan Statistical Areas.

Each Reading is recorded, placed on YouTube and will be embedded in the summary article.

A written summary is provided with the article that should summarize what is said in the video.

As with all reports, it is important to have viewer participation. This experiment relies on people commenting or linking in stories that show support for what the cards show us. Thus, if you hear of any events or activities in the metro area associated with the reading, please post it.


If you apply a little probability to the spread, you will find that in order to get the exact placement of cards, it has a probability of about 8 chances in a quadrillion. Considering the fact that descriptors show up multiple times in the cards so it’s possible to get similar meanings from different cards, a similar spread may be about 15 chances in a trillion.

Looking at just the center card, we have a chance of 1 in 156.


Here is the card ordering for the layout. The meanings of each position are summarized in the actual report.

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