This is a blind Tarot Card reading for Jeffery. If your name is Jeff or Jeffery and there is an issue in your life that you can relate to this first card, well then, this reading may be for you. If you are not named Jeffery, but you know one, please feel free to share this reading with him.
Page of Swords
Key Words: Energetic idea, intelligence, quick-wittedness, communication, curious, mentally restless, no agenda, informative, truthful, helps with self-discovery.
Key Feelings: The feeling when you’re young, idealistic and naïve, thinking you can change the world or do anything you set your mind too.
Description: This card suggests that the energy around you is conducive for exploring the possibilities of following a new energetic idea. There is boundless energy available for lots of communication and quick-witted conversations. This Page could represent another person that has entered your life that is youthful, curious and intelligent. Someone that is willing to work with you and help you explore some new aspect of your life. With this helper, what you see is what you get. There is no hidden agenda, they are genuinely truthful. A person with this energy is someone that you can trust, talk to and believe what they have to say.
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This first card shows that you may be feeling young, idealistic or naïve, or that there may be a strong desire behind your activity where you think you can change the world. You may be restless, energetic and curious about something and it’s causing you some anguish.
There may be a project that you’re working on that you feel will change the world or make great impact, but it may not be getting the traction that you’re expecting.
Well, this reading may be for you.
Q1: Is there a card that can give us more information regarding the idea that is coming along?
9 of Wands (↓)
Key Words: On edge, defensive, hesitant, paranoia, at limit.
Key Feelings: The feeling in your stomach when you stand on the edge of a cliff and look down.
Description: Reversed, you may feel on edge, pushed to your limits, or paralyzed by your situation. It may feel that you just can’t take another step or that the foundation will collapse out from underneath you. You may feel that you will surely die if you take one more step. This energy is laced with paranoia and a severe life-threatening sense of self-defense.
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This idea may be making you feel unsteady or unsure. It brings butterflies to your stomach. Or you may be feeling defensive or feel like you’ve got to hold onto something.
In other words, the grandiose idea outlined in the Page of Swords may really make you nervous.
Q2: How might you be feeling about this project?
9 of Cups (↓)
Key Words: Greed, dissatisfaction, materialism.
Key Feelings: The feeling like you’re always settling for second best.
Description: Reversed, we see genuine pride turn to greed and materialism. You may feel that all your wishes have come true, but others may see you as greedy, possessive and insensitive. There may be a strong drive to acquire the finest things and show them off. There may be a false sense of fulfillment in play where the energy drives a person to show off at any cost or pretend that he has arrived when that is simply not the truth. There may be a deep driving force of dissatisfaction in what is and what can be.
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Dissatisfied. You might be feeling like you’re settling for second best.
Q3: What is it that the cards show us that will help you not second guess what you’re doing so that you can continue on with the project.
10 of Coins (↓)
Key Words: Financial failure, loneliness, loss, missed inheritance, fear of poverty, no legacy, worn out.
Key Feelings: The feeling that you can’t get up and the dog doesn’t want to play with you.
Description: Reversed, this card represents the feeling that life has come to a dead end and you’re stuck all alone. You may feel that you’ve worked your whole life for nothing. There is pain in lost time that will never be recovered. It has the energy of financial failure, missed inheritances and the fear of never-ending poverty. You may feel that everything that you’ve worked on is crumbling apart and it will be completely gone in time. You might feel like the stream that has dried up and it will never flow again.
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There may be the fear of Financial failure or loss. There may be the strong feeling like you’re paralyzed or that you’ve given up and there is no forward progress being made. The cards would encourage you to not give up.
Q4: What can the cards show us that can help Jeffery make forward progress on this project and not feel like he’s being held back?
8 of Cups (↓)
Key Words: Hopelessness, aimless drifting, walking away.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being caught up in something that won’t work.
Description: Reversed, this card may indicate that you are stuck in a situation in which all hope has been lost. Your life and emotions drift aimlessly caught in the situation where you feel too weak to resist. The issues may be rooted in the subconscious at depths that seem too deep to purge. You may feel like you’re holding your breath or closing your eyes just to make it through another day. This card hints that you keep walking away from something you must confront. Dig deep to find the divine feelings that bring a sense of hope.
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There may be the need to walk away. You might be caught up in something that really won’t work as expected. Take a breath, re-evaluate what you’re doing so that you don’t get trapped by the mundane things that are associated with the project.
Overall, you might need to walk away from something or cut ties with something. It will be emotional because it may have involved money and time. You may have identified with it to the point where you where consumed and it took you to the edge.