This is a blind Tarot Card reading for Brianna. If your name is Brianna and there is an issue in your life that you can relate to this first card, well then, this reading may be for you. If you are not named Brianna, but you know someone that is, please feel free to share this reading with her.
The Star
Principle: This power source is all around us all the time. It is the light of the individual and the light of personal influence. Individual or cosmic power.
Key Words: Hope, good fortune, faith in a better future, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity, inner personal power.
Key Feelings: The feeling that where ever you go, and whatever you do, you will be ok.
Description: This card represents the energy, or light, that is within us and always around us. It is the cosmic energy that is forever present that not only empowers our individual experience, but that of everything else too. It is invisible, but ever present. It is felt, but not warming. It is the light energy of your own consciousness. Upright, this card indicates that you are in a harmonious alignment to this cosmic energy. The energy builds a sense of ease and serenity. When channeled correctly, it brings good fortune and faith that the future will be better than today. It is a connection to our individual spirituality. It is what gives us eternal hope.
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This is a personal power card that shows there is lots of confidence that wherever you go and whatever you do you will be ok. It is a deeper spiritual sense that things will work out. There is a strong sense of inner personal power that is in play and that there is something coming your way but the issue is that the mind is racing or there is anxiety that prevents you from resting or from being able to calm your mind.
Q1: What is a descriptor card that shows more regarding what the reading is about?
4 of Swords (↓)
Key Words: Burn-out, insomnia, unable to look within, inharmonious, unfinished list of work items, unable to move forward.
Key Feelings: The feeling of despair knowing that you’ll never be able to silence your thoughts.
Description: Reversed, this card represents a state of where your thoughts won’t let you sleep. It is the state of going over and over the checklist. It represents the state where your thoughts make enough noise that you can’t get to your inner knowing or intuition. You may feel like you’re unable to move forward or the axe is about to drop. It could represent a state of burnout and the need to unplug.
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This is the feeling of despair knowing that you’ll never be able to silence your thoughts or calm your mind. It’s like you’re agitated by the wind and it just won’t stop blowing. There may be the need to rest or get away from your own chaos. It could be that there is something that is preventing you from being able to rest.
Q2: what is it that Brianna needs to do in order to help her rest?
The Hierophant
Principle: The secrets of the wise, learning from others, golden rule.
Key Words: The guru or spiritual teacher, social laws, spiritual purpose, self-discovery, inner wisdom, organized religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs, student.
Key Feelings: The feeling of finding a spiritual teacher who helps you understand your meaning in life.
Description: This card represents social norms and processes that are traditionally the means to living a just and moral life. It is the guru that has studied all the works of the teachers that have come and gone and practices what they taught. It is the embodiment of socially learning spiritual behavior. Upright, the card would suggest a harmonious reading and an open willingness to learn this knowledge.
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Meditate or practice techniques that have been passed down for generations through spiritual teachers that directly affect your thoughts and thought patterns. Use the secretes of the wise. Look for a teacher that can help teach you more or better techniques at calming the mind. Maybe a book is at hand.
Q3: what card can show us what will happen if you apply the spiritual techniques to your problem?
The Hermit
Principle: ‘Self-rule’, respect autonomy of others, human dignity. Being honest in our dealings with others. Acting with the best interest of the other in mind.
Key Words: Patience, solitude, reflection, soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance.
Key Feelings: The feeling of no guilt because you have acted honorably and with dignity.
Description: This card represents the principle that people are responsible for governing themselves. We must allow for human dignity and respect the autonomy of others. We must act with the best interest of the other in mind. Upright, this card shows a harmonious alignment to this principle. The energy shows that you are able to express wisdom that is gained through soul-searching, introspection and inner guidance. This principle spans time and space.
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In time you will be conscious of where you are and you’ll be ok with it. There will be no guilt or a sense of satisfaction.
Q4: Information with regards to the final outcome for Brianna.
10 of Wands (↓)
Key Words: Avoiding responsibility or obligations, forced to be responsible, controlled by others.
Key Feelings: The feeling that you’re doing work that no one cares about.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that you may be avoiding responsibility or obligations. You may feel like you’re forced to have to perform insignificant tasks or attend mundane gatherings when you know that it’s a waste of time and energy. You may feel controlled by others or locked into having to perform what they request of you. This card hints that you may feel deceived to find out that being the boss is harder than being the servant. You might feel that your life is just crazy made up busy work that really isn’t important to anyone.
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There is a feeling that you’re doing work that no one else cares about. There may be burdens that you’ve taken on that others simply don’t care about. You may be frustrated by them and take them so seriously that it’s causing anxiety. This card shows that you may come to grips with the fact that there is a lot of work that simply doesn’t need to be done because you’re the only one that really cares that it happens. Don’t allow yourself to be drawn down into the mundane, go with the spiritual aspects. You might need to give some stuff up.