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Tarot Reading of Russian Ambassador Karlov Assassination

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Should we believe what we see with the Russian Ambassador Karlov Assassination? What can the cards show us?

The idea behind this reading is to ask the cards to shed some more light on the assassination that just happened in Turkey. We see the situation was setup for video recording and there are high quality images from behind the scenes.

Reference: Youtube search “assassination of russian ambassador video”

Note: When I view the still picture from behind the gunman that shows the people in the crowd, it appears to me that there is another person dead or wounded on the left. I’ve placed that picture as the header to this article.

Back on topic…



It looks like this was a onetime situation by a gunman that was acting on his own. The cards show that the situation is one where people are on edge and there might be some paranoia involved. When we dig in to see what the cards can stir us to look into it is that there is energy related to celebration and baser instincts. The investigation cards hint that the reading may be specifically about the gunman. It is as if his baser instincts took over and he celebrated his accomplishment in a way that everyone could see. When we ask specifically about the gunman, we get a card that indicates that there could have been abuse of authority, or judgment that occurred. It’s as if the gunman was abusing his authority or stepping out of line with authority. When asking outright if there is any conspiratorial link, the cards suggest that there isn’t. This was the gunman’s individual choice for a life journey. When we ask the cards for advice as to how to interpret the situation, we get the suggestion of pure disgust. The final card shows the happily ever after card hinting that this situation is over and we’ll be able to move on.


  • Draw a card that describes the issue that we’re investigating to check for alignment
  • Draw a card to indicate the issue for us to investigate regarding the issue at hand.
  • Draw a clarifier regarding the issue (if needed)
  • Consider drawing card to see if there is a hidden agenda behind this shooting that goes further than just what we see as a lone gunman.
  • How should we best interpret this situation?
  • What can the cards tell us about the overall meaning of this incident?


Request for the first card. We want a card that will describe the situation. It’s a check for alignment card. The card pertains to the situation.

9 of Wands (↓)

Video Interpretation: 9 of Wands (↓)
Key Words: On edge, defensive, hesitant, paranoia, at limit.
Key Feelings: The feeling in your stomach when you stand on the edge of a cliff and look down.
Description: Reversed, you may feel on edge, pushed to your limits, or paralyzed by your situation. It may feel that you just can’t take another step or that the foundation will collapse out from underneath you. You may feel that you will surely die if you take one more step. This energy is laced with paranoia and a severe life-threatening sense of self-defense.

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What should we investigate regarding this story. What can the cards show us that we don’t already see in the video today.

Three of Cups

Video Interpretation: Three of Cups
Key Words: Rejoicing, celebration, joy, friendship, creativity, community, affirmation.
Key Feelings: Feeling behind an honest, respectful, heartfelt toast given freely to a close companion.
Description: This card suggests that you are ready and willing to receive happiness and joy into your life. It indicates that you are in harmony with the first stages of the given adventure and you’re celebrating, knowing that the future will be as good, or better, then the past. This card brings a deep sense of well-being that is sensed from friends and family. Others recognize your accomplishments and support you emotionally. This card represents the triumph over illness, disharmonious situations and stagnant routines or activities.

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Clarifier card to better understand why the previous card came up.

The Devil (↓)

Video Interpretation: The Devil (↓)
Principle: Inappropriately using the animalistic aspects of our human experience. Being harmful with regards to learning the lessons that are associated with the flesh.
Key Words: Bondage, addiction, sexuality, inhibitions, blocks, fears, taboo behavior, testing cultural norms, following bodily impulses.
Key Feelings: The feeling that your baser impulses have taken over and you are out of control.
Description: Reversed, this card represents the demonic, out of control state where the animalistic baser impulses have taken over. The energy is no longer tantric, but now about domination, bondage and primal sexuality. It is the addiction to the raw power of the senses. It is addiction to the extreme. This energy can be either intentional or not. In either case, it can manifest fear in oneself and others. You are encouraged to make sure you ask permission and seek consensual interactions so as to not create emotional scars in the people you interact with.

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Card about the gunman. What do the cards want to show us regarding the gunman.

King of Coins (↓)

Video Interpretation: King of Coins (↓)
Key Words: Authoritative, domineering, controlling, ruler, abuse of authority, judgment.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being scolded by a father figure even though you did nothing wrong.
Description: Reversed, the energy of this card shows that rules, laws and money can keep people controlled and performing. It is where an energy where if you do not follow the rules of the land, you will be cast out and abused. It is the energy of the lawsuit that binds both the winner and loser. It can represent a long-term subservient relationship that you are involved in. As a messenger, a male figure may be in, or come into your life that is authoritarian. You may feel that you’re being judged and forced to serve the sentence regardless to how you protest with no path for overturning the ruling. It is as if they have a hand on your shoulder holding you back or keeping you down.

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Is there organized crime behind this? Was he hired? Is there a link to conspiracy or not?

The Magician

Video Interpretation: The Magician
Principle: Law of manifestation.
Key Words: Guidance, new opportunities, creative initiative, power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness, connection between divine and mundane, conscious/unconscious link, infinite outcomes, manifesting your desires, using the tools that are available to you.
Key Feelings: That feeling that you are connected to the divine and your worldly experience are improved by spiritual insights.
Description: This card represents the connection that we all have to the divine and that the divine is what powers our worldly experiences. The upright position of this card indicates that the connection is strong and open. There is the power to manifest your desires using the tools that have been given to you. The realm of infinite possibilities is open to you if you just choose to embrace it. Ask, and you shall receive. You are encouraged to clarify your thoughts so they are sharp, clear and well defined.
Animal: Snake
Key Words: Transmutation, manifestation, trinity.
Description: When in tune with snake energy, a person can overcome poisonous mental, physical, spiritual and emotional situations. The snake energy empowers transmutation of our life situation through sexuality, psychic activities, alchemical processes, reproduction and acts that lead towards ascension. Snake allows us to experience anything without resistance for it knows it can shed the experience and start again. Snake understands that with the proper state of mind, it can transmute poisonous situations eating, digesting, and integrating a problem or experience. It provides for healing by merging of male and female energy. Transmutation is fire energy. On a material level, the fire becomes ambition, creation, resolution and dreams. On the metal level, the fire becomes intellect, power, charisma and leadership, on the spiritual level, the fire becomes wisdom, understanding, and wholeness which enhances the connection to the great spirit. This spirit encourages you to refine your practice and perfect your skills.
Animal: Hawk
Key Words: Messenger.
Description: Mercury is the messenger of the gods. Be observant of your surroundings and everything that you do. Hawks help through stressful and difficult situations when you observe the nuances of the power lurking nearby. You are only as powerful as your capacity to perceive, receive and use your abilities. You must use discernment and seek the truth in all actions. The cry of the hawk could mark the coming of a conflict, the birth of a child or a celebration. The Hawk energy requires responsibility. Remember the details. You are encouraged to trust the message and observe.
Symbol: Lily
Words: Hope, faith, purity, chastity, innocence, fertility.
Description: Drawing the lily symbolizes that divinity is present or that there is an air of innocence about the matter. It represents purity, chastity and fertility. It symbolizes that it may be time to act now or that the time is short. It shows that now could be a good time for a cleanse, or to place time into performing purifying activities. The lily deals with the sanctity and tenderness of the heart. We are encouraged to thoroughly enjoy the tender moments before the bloom is over.
Symbol: Rose
Words: Devotion, balance, magic.
Description: The roses represent a strong commitment and devotion to the process of creating your own reality. Hang onto the passion that empowers the magic because the adventure is at your command.
Element: Ether
Words: Consciousness, karma, attraction.
Description: Ether is the material that fills the universe. It permeates everything. It is everywhere always. It is the animating force and is subtler than light. It is associated with purity and clarity. It is transparent and moves cyclically or naturally. It is unchanging, divine and infallible.

How should we interpret the situation?

Page of Coins (↓)

Video Interpretation: Page of Coins (↓)
Key Words: Lack of progress and planning, short-term focus, overlooked, not seen, remaining on the bottom.
Key Feelings: The feeling of disgust when that young republican that does the opposite of what he says.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that no matter what you do to stand out, you are always overlooked. Regardless of how much you prepared to be noticed, someone else is picked. You may feel like you’re throwing the last of your money away on something that will never bear fruit. As a messenger, someone may be trying to groom you for something you don’t want to do or is morally unacceptable to you. They may be telling you one thing and doing another or teaching you this art of deception. You may be at the start of a political situation where you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

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What can we do to make us feel better about the situation? Or the overall situation.

10 of Cups

Video Interpretation: 10 of Cups
Key Words: Harmony in relationships, cooperation, harmony in family, marriage, happiness, alignment.
Key Feelings: The feeling where you realize that you get to live and love your best friend.
Description: This card tells us that the current harmonic energy will lead to long lasting happiness. This is marriage energy of permanence. It is exemplified by your success and the acceptance of everything you’d asked for. The harmony in the relationship may be one where each person completes and compliments the actions of the other. There is strong unity in family and energy to create family. This card hints that there will be a long period of spiritual harmony and divine guidance. You may feel that you’ve been given the most treasured gift.

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