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Tarot Card reading about Hillary’s Health

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YouTube suggested the reference video for this reading. The title of the video is “Hillary has KURU disease from child cannibalism”.  Midway through the video he says that he has no proof of this claim, yet he provides a couple dozen links as research evidence.

Reference Video: Hillary has KURU Disease from child Cannibalism published on Nov 22, 2016.

So, what we want to do is visit the cards to see if we get supportive or non-supportive reading with regards to his claims. Is David T. on to something even though Hillary claims to be healthy?


My interpretation is that the cards indicate that there are blocked emotions or the refusal to face the situation of her current health and that she’s been successful at hiding your medical conditions from the public. With regards to her consciously misleading the public, the cards indicate that there has been a breakdown in communication or that it hasn’t been easy. With regards to her life expectancy, there is fear of the unknown or lack of planning indicating that she has most likely made no plans for death. Looking forward, her political work will most likely be secretive full of esoteric knowledge and mystery. With regards to work in general, the cards indicate that she is unable to move on or unable to change, hinting that she will continue to do what she’s done for years.

It doesn’t look to me like there is anything out of the ordinary here in this reading. Yes, the cards suggest that she might be hiding a medical condition, but that doesn’t seem too unusual. The cards also suggest that she’s not going away. There are no plans for death and she’s not changing.

Key Questions

C1 – What can the cards tell us about Hillary Clinton’s current state of health?

2 of Swords

Video Interpretation: 2 of Swords
Key Words: Indecision, refusal to face a situation, stalemate, choices, truce, stalemate, blocked emotions, stress, denial.
Key Feelings: The feeling of having to choose between to suitors.
Description: This card suggests that there is a decision that needs to be made but you’re refusing to make it. You may be weighing the pros and cons, but no matter how you measure the situation, you could go either way. It’s a stalemate, so you’ll just close your eyes and wait it out. The situation is obvious, but the will is blocked and unwilling to participate. The energy is still, as if you’re in a truce with yourself, but it’s waiting to explode.

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C2 – What can the cards show us regarding Hillary Clinton intentionally hiding her medical conditions from the public?

King of Coins

Video Interpretation: King of Coins
Key Words: Wealth, status, hard work, security, control, power, discipline, abundance, counselor, financial advisor, negotiator, teacher.
Key Feelings: Feeling like a kid listening to every word from the grandpa that has done everything successfully.
Description: This card represents the energy of a highly successful businessman that has reached a level of respect that his opinion moves the population. There is security provided by the wealth, yet power in his word. This is the energy of a highly educated man that is willing to help improve your life. As a messenger, this person may be here to teach you something of great value. They often represent business advisors, lawyers, conflict negotiators, professors, doctors, writers or business owners. They are hard workers and definitely in control of their senses. They command a disciplined student and teach the actions that lead to abundance.

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C3 – What can the cards show us regarding any conscious activity on Hillary’s part to try to mislead the public with regards to state of health?

4 of Wands (↓)

Video Interpretation: 4 of Wands (↓)
Key Words: Breakdown in communication, transition, nothing comes easy.
Key Feelings: That feeling where you realize that what you did is not correct, and you’ll have to do it over again.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that you might be stuck in a position of waiting for something that never comes. Work is hard, and it feels that way. You might feel that you are in a perpetual state of transition that never leads anywhere. On the outside life is ordered, but inside you feel like you’re forever going in circles getting nowhere. You may be in a time when what you say is misinterpreted and not corrected until resources are wasted or improper results are generated. You may feel like you have lost time or things that have been done need to be undone and restarted in order to get it right.

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C4 – What can the cards show us with regards to Hillary’s life expectancy?

2 of Wands (↓)

Video Interpretation: 2 of Wands (↓)
Key Words: Fear of unknown, lack of planning, inner conflict, can’t decide.
Key Feelings: That feeling of waiting for a package that never arrives.
Description: Reversed, this card shows that what holds you back is fear of the unknown. The adventure that is on your mind is not clearly formed. If feels as if all your planning will not be enough or that you’re stuck in the planning phase. There is inner conflict that prevents forward motion. It could be as simple as you simply can’t decide. This energy may show that you are burdened by the process with no hope of getting to the adventure.

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C5 – What can the cards show us about Hillary’s ability to continue her political work?

The High Priestess

Video Interpretation: The High Priestess
Principle: Law of the seer.
Key Words: Esoteric knowledge, intuition, wisdom, higher powers, mystery, subconscious mind, rituals, she knows the secrets.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being connected with, and in harmony with, your inner self.
Description: This card represents the aspects of the mind that cannot be seen, tasted, smelt, touched or heard. It is the aspect of our inner Being that has no voice, yet speaks through emotions and is felt. It is the location of esoteric knowledge and intuitive understandings. Upright, this card indicates that there is an open channel to use for diving deeper into understanding the situation at hand. It is an invitation to enter the realm of secrets and discover. Trust your feelings and explore why you have them. The path forward is clarified by understanding the emotions that drive you, particularly how the emotions make you feel.

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C6 – What can the cards show us about her future work?

Death (↓)

Video Interpretation: Death (↓)
Principle: Not respecting the fact that absolutely nothing is permanent. It is resisting our obligation to use our experience to transform ourselves into something better.
Key Words: Resistance to change, unable to move on, divided, stuck, no growth.
Key Feelings: The feeling of panic as you race to protect the sand castle from the tide. Trying desperately to prevent the inevitable.
Description: Reversed, this card shows a disharmonious alignment to the principle of non-permanence. It is the resistance to change. It is the activity of holding on to the past; past traumas, experiences, issues, etc. It is not dealing well with death or birth. You are encouraged to apply reason by way of abstraction in order to build a new understanding to how things change and why.

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