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The Hermit

Video Interpretation: The Hermit
Principle: ‘Self-rule’, respect autonomy of others, human dignity. Being honest in our dealings with others. Acting with the best interest of the other in mind.
Key Words: Patience, solitude, reflection, soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance.
Key Feelings: The feeling of no guilt because you have acted honorably and with dignity.
Description: This card represents the principle that people are responsible for governing themselves. We must allow for human dignity and respect the autonomy of others. We must act with the best interest of the other in mind. Upright, this card shows a harmonious alignment to this principle. The energy shows that you are able to express wisdom that is gained through soul-searching, introspection and inner guidance. This principle spans time and space.

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The Hermit (↓)

Video Interpretation: The Hermit (↓)
Principle: No regard for ‘Self-rule’, disrespecting the autonomy of others, ambivalent to human dignity. Being dishonest in our dealings with others. Acting against the best interest of others.
Key Words: Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal, doing time.
Key Feelings: The feeling of guilt for not being honest with yourself or others.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates an out-of-harmony situation with regards to this principle of acting with the best interest of others, or not considering the interest of another. There may be violations against others or self that are invasive and controlling. Actions may be void of dignity or dealings with others may turn out to not be honorable. You are encouraged to release what holds you back and trust. Take a stand of neutrality and let what is honorable shine though.

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