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Queen of Swords

Video Interpretation: Queen of Swords
Key Words: Strength, independence, courage in adversity, quick thinker, organized, perceptive, self-reliance, a divorcee or widow, excellent judge, devoid of emotion, intellectual, grounded in reality, facts based.
Key Feelings: The feeling is that of the old widow that has experienced the world that tells you what is on her mind.
Description: This card represents the mature, witty old widow that has everything that she needs and earned it. The energy usually comes as another person that enters your life that is there to help. She is independent, organized, perceptive and self-reliant. The energy shows that where she is void of emotion, she makes up for in intellect. She is firmly grounded in reality and, most likely, would make an excellent judge. She rules based on facts and has the courage to stand up to adversity. She has a protective demeanor and expects everyone to follow the law.

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Queen of Swords (↓)

Video Interpretation: Queen of Swords (↓)
Key Words: Overly-emotional, bitchy, cold-hearted, relationships clouding vision, hard edged, assertive, bitter old hag, intolerant, mean.
Key Feelings: The feeling is that of the old divorcee that has nothing but bitter words that she spews on everyone.
Description: Reversed, this card represents the bitter old woman that has everything that she needs, but she rode the coattails of others to get it. This energy usually comes as another person that enters your life even though it was not desired. The energy that she is a hard-ass, assertive, mean woman. She has her opinion and she is going to make sure you know it. Her interpretation of the facts is skewed so that she is always the victim. She is cold-hearted and tends to mangle in other’s affairs. She is the type of ruler that dies quietly and no one attends the funeral.

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