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9 of Wands

Video Interpretation: 9 of Wands
Key Words: Determination to succeed, strength in reserve, courage, persistence, test of faith, resilience, you are equipped to survive.
Key Feelings: The feeling of the deep inner drive to complete the last hour of an all-day marathon.
Description: This card is about digging in deep to find your reserves. It represents the moment when you are totally exhausted, but you can finally see the completion of the project or journey. It is the point where you bring in the energy you didn’t know you had in order to make it the last leg of the adventure. Its persistence and faith rolled together in the recognition that you’ve nearly completed the journey, you have to finish the last leg. This is the supreme test of courage and faith with the intention that you will survive the ordeal.

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9 of Wands (↓)

Video Interpretation: 9 of Wands (↓)
Key Words: On edge, defensive, hesitant, paranoia, at limit.
Key Feelings: The feeling in your stomach when you stand on the edge of a cliff and look down.
Description: Reversed, you may feel on edge, pushed to your limits, or paralyzed by your situation. It may feel that you just can’t take another step or that the foundation will collapse out from underneath you. You may feel that you will surely die if you take one more step. This energy is laced with paranoia and a severe life-threatening sense of self-defense.

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