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The Wheel of Fortune

Video Interpretation: The Wheel of Fortune
Principle: We have free will. We must honor the right of the individual to choose. We honor the right of those that choose not to choose and let fate take over. Respect their decisions for their own lives.
Key Words: Endings and beginnings, a change of circumstances, good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point, being in tune.
Key Feelings: The feeling that we are subject to natural laws and it is all part of the grand design.
Description: This card represents the principle that we all have free will and we need to protect the right of each person to be able to express it. It is the quality of recognizing the choices that people make and letting them experience the consequence of their selections. Above everything, each person gets to make their own choices. Upright, this energy signifies a harmonious relationship with this principle. You may be in a position to choose, or get to witness the choices that someone else makes and you get to honor the decisions. This principle is directly related to karma, life cycles and what is thought of as destiny. Being aligned with this energy brings the understanding that there is no fate.

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The Wheel of Fortune (↓)

Video Interpretation: The Wheel of Fortune (↓)
Principle: Everything is predetermined. Feeling like you have no free will. Not honoring the right of the individual to choose. Disrespecting others decisions.
Key Words: Bad luck, negative external forces, out of control, destiny, having given up.
Key Feelings: The feeling rooted in luck or not understanding why things come your way.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that there is a miss-alignment to the principle of free will. There are either transgressions to that principle or a complete lack of understanding. When transgressions are made, we feel the negative karma and suffer the consequences of the action. When there is a lack of understanding of this principle, there is said to be luck at play (good or bad) or that it is simple fate; something that is out of your control (which is against the natural laws). You are encouraged to be optimistic and set your intention clearly. Be willing to be hopeful for you are in control of your own destiny.

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