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The Moon

Video Interpretation: The Moon
Principle: This is the power source that is always reflected to us. It is what we sense which is interpreted into what is felt. It is the light that happens around us. Builds a sense of awe and confidence.
Key Words: Uncertainty, fluctuation, intuition, illusion, fear, insecurity, subconscious, the power around us.
Key Feelings: The feeling of awe in seeing and feeling the life that is everywhere around you.
Description: This card represents all the aspects of our experience that are reflected back to us. It is the magical glow in the calm pond at night. It represents the life and consciousness of everything around us. It is a subtle energy that is only experienced when you calm the mind and body so that we can truly feel. It is what is radiated out of the subconscious. It is the power of the collective consciousness. Upright, this card represents a harmonious alignment with this energy. It manifests itself through intuitive insight and esoteric understandings. It is symbolism, images, fantasy and imagination all rolled together. Using this power shows mastery of hidden consciousness.

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The Moon (↓)

Video Interpretation: The Moon (↓)
Principle: Not feeling what is behind the reflected objects or believing the illusion. It is what we sense which is not interpreted into what is felt. It is the light that happens around us but we can’t interpret what it says. Builds a sense of fear and insecurity.
Key Words: Release of fear, unhappiness, confusion, disconnected from the subconscious, anxiety, unable to see.
Key Feelings: The feeling of fear in the mysteriousness of the life around you. Or the chills sensing something moving in the dark.
Description: Reversed, this card represents an inharmonious alignment with the subconscious energies. It may be expressed as confusing dreams, mysterious premonitions of harm or fear on a primal level. It shows that there is either a lack of understanding or a willful disregard for the actions of the mind that exists below your awareness. There may be a deep sense of unhappiness or states of confusion regarding activities or communication that is generally understood as common knowledge. You are encouraged to explore these feelings in order to better understand what the subconscious is trying to say or express. Try seeing these energies as a gift rather than a curse.

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