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The Hierophant

Video Interpretation: The Hierophant
Principle: The secrets of the wise, learning from others, golden rule.
Key Words: The guru or spiritual teacher, social laws, spiritual purpose, self-discovery, inner wisdom, organized religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs, student.
Key Feelings: The feeling of finding a spiritual teacher who helps you understand your meaning in life.
Description: This card represents social norms and processes that are traditionally the means to living a just and moral life. It is the guru that has studied all the works of the teachers that have come and gone and practices what they taught. It is the embodiment of socially learning spiritual behavior. Upright, the card would suggest a harmonious reading and an open willingness to learn this knowledge.

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The Hierophant (↓)

Video Interpretation: The Hierophant (↓)
Principle: Not listening to the secrets of the wise ones, not learning from others, not honoring the golden rule.
Key Words: Restriction, challenging the status quo, cult, acting like sheep, rejecting belief systems.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being lost or without spiritual guidance. Not knowing who to turn too.
Description: Reversed, this card would suggest an inharmonious arrangement with regards to social spiritual traditions and teachers. It could be the outright rejection of, or ignorance regarding how people teach others to learn the spiritual laws. Or, it could mean that there is a dark connection or commitment to abusing or twisting the spiritual guru-student relationship so as to manifest control of others. You are encouraged to look closely at your social support system to see if it has your best interest at heart. Listen to your inner guru.

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