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Page of Cups

Video Interpretation: Page of Cups
Key Words: Fresh beginnings, self-love, a new relationship, a messenger, creative beginnings, synchronicity, sexuality.
Key Feelings: That feeling where someone grabs you by the hand and leads you on a glorious adventure of the heart.
Description: This card is a messenger with a wink. The energy is a playful, appealing, attention grabbing force that seduces you to play along. It instructs us that something new is on the horizon that we are in harmony with. It may feed our creative imaginations or tickle our sexuality into action. Be prepared for a fresh beginning that energizes you emotionally which may include self-love. The feeling is one of synchronicity and innocent curiosity. You may discover hidden talents, latent skill or psychic abilities that you didn’t know you had. Don’t be afraid to touch.

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Page of Cups (↓)

Video Interpretation: Page of Cups (↓)
Key Words: Emotional immaturity, creative block, a tease, being seduced.
Key Feelings: That feeling when you knowingly do something wrong, but it feels so good.
Description: Reversed, beware of the seduction. The messenger may entice you into an action that cannot be fulfilled. The situation may turn out to simply be a tease. Emotions may be all over the board, but the one thing that is for sure is that they lack maturity. You may find yourself sucked into a new adventure that you just can’t avoid and know you shouldn’t be involved with. If you’re following a hunch, you’re probably being led astray.

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