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King of Cups

Video Interpretation: King of Cups
Key Words: Kindness, friendliness, empathy, emotional balance and control, generosity.
Key Feelings: The feeling you get when you are accepted into a prestigious university or award.
Description: This card brings a masculine energy that deeply respects and fears the power of the intuition in all aspects of life. The figure that this card represents has a deep ability to tap into the divine inner energy and intuition in order to use that to create music, art and harmonious relationships. Fear of the power that is within leads to empathy and kindness in his actions. This energy may bring people, like teachers, doctors or other professionals, into your life that can help mature and refine your own abilities. You may be presented with situations that require a deep understanding of the human condition or you may be put in a position that requires you to rule with a kind, gentle strength.

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King of Cups (↓)

Video Interpretation: King of Cups (↓)
Key Words: Emotional manipulation, moodiness, volatility.
Key Feelings: That Monday morning feeling of dread knowing that the boss will be hung over and moody.
Description: Reversed, this card depicts a masculine energy that is unstable emotionally that has decision making abilities for you. It might be clear that there is emotional manipulation in ways that work to restrict your ability to grow and mature. There may be a person in a position of authority that makes decisions that seem irrational, volatile and counter intuitive that blocks your path to success. You may feel that being around the person is punishment. This energy tends to bring up drug abuse and alcoholism which can be emotionally draining. To make forward progress, one will need to pay close attention to your own emotions and feel how others react to your actions and words.

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