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8 of Wands

Video Interpretation: 8 of Wands
Key Words: Activity, travel, new momentum, speed, air travel, movement, swift change.
Key Feelings: That feeling of knowing your target is pierced before you even draw the bowstring back.
Description: This card suggests that you are actively on the offensive perusing your journey. What you aim at hits the target, where you step you find solid ground, the wind is at your back. There is momentum behind your actions and things fall together quickly. You may witness, or be part of, or initiate swift change in your current situation. The energy is smooth, full and empowering. It may feel as if there is a wave of energy pushing you along making life feel effortless. This energy is like having an army at your back as you advance to conquer your opposition.

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8 of Wands (↓)

Video Interpretation: 8 of Wands (↓)
Key Words: Delays, frustration, holding off, activity without intension, change that is out of control.
Key Feelings: That feeling of being blown in the wind or spun up in a whirlwind.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that the energy is pushing everywhere all at once. It’s the feeling of being torn between a hundred activities all at the same time. It’s the inability to focus or finding that there is no power behind your thrust. It may feel like you’re a leaf in the wind being push somewhere where you are not comfortable. The energy suggests that you may be holding off when you should be fully involved. Being unable to ‘hit the mark’ may leave you frustrated.

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