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7 of Swords

Video Interpretation: 7 of Swords
Key Words: Guile, tact, diplomacy, strategy, deceit, sneaky behavior, avoiding being caught, covert, secrecy, escaping.
Key Feelings: That feeling of willingly going against your inner truths with the hope of getting your way.
Description: This card suggests an energy of manipulation of a situation in order to have a desire fulfilled. You may be the person manipulating the situation or the one being manipulated. This card encourages diplomacy, but the situation will most likely be full of deceit, sneaky behavior and secret covert operations. There is treachery at work and you are most likely right in the thick of it. It may be that the situation has already transpired and you now have to find a way to distance yourself or escape. There may be a strong sense of impending doom, yet there is no turning back and no possibility of escape. The only solution is diplomacy.

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7 of Swords (↓)

Video Interpretation: 7 of Swords (↓)
Key Words: Caught out, challenges, breaking habits, being discovered, sneaking around.
Key Feelings: The feeling and knowing that you will be caught.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that no matter how much you try to hide your actions, strategy or deceit, you will be caught. What happens in your thoughts will always, eventually, be manifest in the physical realm. If there is an affair going on, it will be exposed. If there are secrets being kept, they will be revealed. If there is dissidence with your inner being, your worldly life will display the disease.

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