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7 of Coins

Video Interpretation: 7 of Coins
Key Words: A difficult decision, patience, commitment, vision, perseverance, profit, reward, investment.
Key Feelings: That feeling of choosing between keeping a job or taking care of a dying family member.
Description: This card signifies that you have entered a period of time where great decisions will, must, be made. It is a point where you may have to choose between what you’ve spent year working on and building and something that is completely different. It’s like changing careers in midstream. There is a lot at stake so the decision is not taken lightly. You are asked to be patient, committed and maintain your vision and, if so, there is great reward for your investment. Sacrifices will need to be made. It may feel like your whole world is changing.

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7 of Coins (↓)

Video Interpretation: 7 of Coins (↓)
Key Words: Lack of long-term vision, limited success or reward, refusing to make a difficult decision.
Key Feelings: That feeling where you know you’ve chosen the wrong investment.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that you may be avoiding making the decisions in life that move you forward. You may be being ask to choose, but you refuse and hold onto what is already in play. There may be situations that involve contemplating the long-term that you are intentionally putting off. You may feel that there is success in your current standing, but it is limited and unsustainable.

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