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6 of Swords

Video Interpretation: 6 of Swords
Key Words: Moving away from stress, difficulties overcome, regretful but necessary transition, rite of passage, letting go of issues.
Key Feelings: The feeling that the only way to get over something is to perform a geographic.
Description: This card suggests that there is a great need, or desire to move away from the stress in your life, or the difficulties of the current situation. The immediate solution might be to perform a geographic and simply start over again; Yet you can’t get away from your own thoughts. Outwardly, you may end up living out, what you inwardly need to address. This card represents that you’re floating between action. No matter what path you choose, you will be moving away from the turmoil of the past into a calmer emotional future.

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6 of Swords (↓)

Video Interpretation: 6 of Swords (↓)
Key Words: Cannot move on, carrying baggage, dwelling on the past.
Key Feelings: The feeling that doing a geographic will not solve the problems that are within you.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that you will need to complete your understanding of the power of thoughts before being able to move forward. This card indicates that without embracing the concept that your thoughts are the source of your manifestations, you will be stuck having to relive the same types of experiences over and over again. This card symbolizes that you might be reliving past thought patterns or experiencing thought patterns that stir up old emotional responses.

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