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6 of Coins

Video Interpretation: 6 of Coins
Key Words: Generosity, faith, kindness, charity, giving, prosperity, sharing wealth.
Key Feelings: The feeling of winning the lottery and sharing the abundance.
Description: This card represents a situation where you are in a position to share. The energy is aligned to solidify your ability to be generous. There is a deep sense that what you have to give is plentiful and, if you give some of this away, there will, without doubt, be more to replace it. Your faith is strong and rooted in noble values. The dice are rolling your way, all you have to do is direct the flow of energy that is every present and never ending. This is a good time to teach people to fish.

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6 of Coins (↓)

Video Interpretation: 6 of Coins (↓)
Key Words: Debt, selfishness, one-sided charity.
Key Feelings: The feeling of winning the lottery but then spending it all on yourself.
Description: Reversed, this card shows that the energy flow is redirected towards self. You may be driven to buy multiple houses, but leave them empty. Buy multiple cars, but no one drives them. You may build a shrine, but no one will visit or worship. You may be tempted to channel the energy into more debt or give to a charity with strings attached. You may pledge to a charity, but never deliver.

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