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Five of Cups

Video Interpretation: Five of Cups
Key Words: Sorrow, melancholy, disappointment in love, loss, regret, despair, bereavement, bad choice.
Key Feelings: Feeling like the argument got out of control or you were completely misunderstood.
Description: This card suggests that there may be a time of bereavement at hand. This card hints that emotions may have been involved in previous decisions, or simply flowed uncontrollably, tainting the current moment. You may feel the need to cry, or an overall sadness. There is a deep sense of loss that you may feel a personal, regretful, attachment too as if the problem is because of a choice that you made. There is still value in the turbulence relationship. To move forward, foster any spark of hope and let time heal the wounds. You will need to rebuild the relationship.

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Five of Cups (↓)

Video Interpretation: Five of Cups (↓)
Key Words: Moving on, acceptance, forgiveness, learn to take risks again, end of suffering.
Key Feelings: The feeling that the issue is finally out in the open.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that it may be time to move forward with your situation. If you have been suffering, or consumed by great disappointment, that energy may be moving on. Here, the energy turns towards acceptance and forgiveness for yourself and others. The card brings the realization that it is ok to allow yourself to be open emotionally. This card may indicate that you have found enough strength to be willing to love again. You are cried out and ok. Be willing to make choices again.

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