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5 of Coins

Video Interpretation: 5 of Coins
Key Words: Spiritual loss, emotional loss, financial loss, isolation, insecurity, worry, poverty.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being dropped off in a foreign land, with no money, no friends and no place to stay warm and then you get sick.
Description: This card is all about loss and the fear of loss. The card indicates that there is a strong association between self-worth and financial success. The slightest failure can trigger overpowering emotional responses that hurt so deep as to feel like it’s touching your soul. The energy is such that no matter what happens, you’ll feel like your needs are not getting met. This leads to worry, insecurity, isolation that consumes your life which invites poverty and sickness into your experience. This card instructs you to look within and reconnect to your inner spirit. Nothing good can come of your outer environment when the inner environment is in shambles.

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5 of Coins (↓)

Video Interpretation: 5 of Coins (↓)
Key Words: Recovery from financial loss, spiritual poverty, hope through your own actions.
Key Feelings: The feeling where you’re on your own and you are relieved to finally be back to work.
Description: Reversed, this card indicates that you may be coming to peace with your inner self-worth. The energy gives hope that what has held you down and kept you in isolation is moving on leading to a clean path of recovery. The card hints that you may soon find a more solid home life, cash flow and people that are willing to help. The disease that causes sickness no longer has its death-hold lightening your heart and restoring your faith.

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