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4 of Coins

Video Interpretation: 4 of Coins
Key Words: Stagnation, nothing ventured nothing gained, control, stability, security, possession, conservatism.
Key Feelings: The feeling of holding on so tightly that you can’t event breathe.
Description: This card suggests that the energy that is present or expressing itself is that of stagnation and possession. There is fear in letting go, or opening up, that pins you into inaction. You may feel stuck on the sofa or unable to find a job. It may be that you have gathered things and people around you that will leave you if you let go. The dark side leads to controlling others and refusing to bring your cash to the table. The energy flow has stopped or is severely limited. To move forward, that flow must be re-established.

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4 of Coins (↓)

Video Interpretation: 4 of Coins (↓)
Key Words: Greed, materialism, self-protection.
Key Feelings: That panicked feeling when you find that you can’t breathe.
Description: Reversed, this card goes cold with regards to what you’ve earned and how you display yourself. You may find yourself locking yourself into your house and revisiting your bank account. You may be strategizing how you can increase your holdings with only investing the minimum amount. The card hints that you might take advantage of the weak, or use them, to try to elevate your position. It’s about the money, the things and the body guard to protect you.

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