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3 of Swords

Video Interpretation: 3 of Swords
Key Words: Disappointment, ending or resistance, painful separation, sorrow, heartbreak, grief, rejection, betrayal.
Key Feelings: The feeling of emotional pain that sets memories for life.
Description: This card suggests that you are at a sudden transition point that brings a surprisingly painful emotional discovery. It represents an ending, or rejection of betrayal of some sort that stops you cold in your tracks. The bonds that tie you to someone become severed abruptly. It is a time of sorrow, heartbreak and grief. This card indicates that you might be in a situation that will not be forgotten for a long period of time. In some situations, this card may call out your own thoughts towards another, which if acted upon, will bring equally painful emotions that you will have to hide and suppress from others that will still torment you.

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3 of Swords (↓)

Video Interpretation: 3 of Swords (↓)
Key Words: Releasing pain, optimism, forgiveness, acceptance of pain, pain is a learning opportunity, saying you are sorry.
Key Feelings: The feeling of finally coming to grips with the emotional pain and moving on with your life.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that you might be at the transition point of coming to grips with a painful situation and you’re learning to cope. This card brings the mature rationality that painful things happen to the best of people. It signifies that emotional experiences are learning opportunities. It may indicate that the triggers that have set you a flame are now tempered with optimism. There may be a building sense of forgiveness or finally the ability to say “I’m sorry”.

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