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Three of Cups

Video Interpretation: Three of Cups
Key Words: Rejoicing, celebration, joy, friendship, creativity, community, affirmation.
Key Feelings: Feeling behind an honest, respectful, heartfelt toast given freely to a close companion.
Description: This card suggests that you are ready and willing to receive happiness and joy into your life. It indicates that you are in harmony with the first stages of the given adventure and you’re celebrating, knowing that the future will be as good, or better, then the past. This card brings a deep sense of well-being that is sensed from friends and family. Others recognize your accomplishments and support you emotionally. This card represents the triumph over illness, disharmonious situations and stagnant routines or activities.

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Three of Cups (↓)

Video Interpretation: Three of Cups (↓)
Key Words: An affair, 'three's a crowd', stifled creativity, funeral, final achievement.
Key Feelings: That feeling when you recognize that you have been replaced by the other woman or man. That sense of replacement, but the fight still remains.
Description: Reversed, the recognition that you might expect for your accomplishment may feel lacking or hollow. Behind the scenes, or possibly in plain sight, the fulfillment that you’re expecting from others does not show up. You may feel interference from someone else, or engage in an affair. If you’re involved in a group of people, you may feel that someone else is getting recognized for your hard work. It may be that a project you were emotionally attached to did not turned out as once envisioned. It may represent the toast at a funeral or acknowledgement of a project terminated.

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