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3 of Coins

Video Interpretation: 3 of Coins
Key Words: Effort brings rewards, talents to be developed, teamwork, initial fulfillment, collaboration, learning.
Key Feelings: The feeling that you just finished the first draft of the novel.
Description: This card represents the state of development where you have done the hard work of creating something and everyone can see the results. It’s raw, but the refinements will come. It shows that when you allow your creative energies to flow, you develop talents and skills. The energy represents a brief position of rest during the transition. The first obligation is completed and now it’s time to move ahead to bigger and better projects or get deeper into the existing projects. This card hints that to move forward, teamwork and collaboration will be helpful. Others will recognize your talents and want to participate in your projects.

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3 of Coins (↓)

Video Interpretation: 3 of Coins (↓)
Key Words: Lack of teamwork, disregard for skills, disappointment in the results, not wanting to finish.
Key Feelings: Not able to finish the first draft of the novel.
Description: Reversed, this card represents energy that doesn’t want to come to completion. Effort has been placed in the project, but nothing wants to come together as planned. The instruments are out of tune, the dancing is out of sync. The energy may be critical of the teamwork of lack of collaboration. The feeling of not wanting to finish may be present blocking forward progress.

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