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2 of Wands

Video Interpretation: 2 of Wands
Key Words: A goal or project, formulating a new idea, future planning, progress, decisions, discovery, weighing your options, restlessness.
Key Feelings: That feeling of needing to experience life. Feeling like you’re missing out.
Description: This card suggests that the energy around you is restless for the adventure. You may find yourself dreaming of the possibilities and imagining all the possible outcomes. This card carries the excitement that you will, or won’t, follow through with your commitment. It’s as if the pros and cons are being evaluated, but you know you’re going on the adventure anyway. This is the decision card, but the decision has already been made. Thus, it asks you to define how; will it be hard, easy, fast, long, etc.

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2 of Wands (↓)

Video Interpretation: 2 of Wands (↓)
Key Words: Fear of unknown, lack of planning, inner conflict, can’t decide.
Key Feelings: That feeling of waiting for a package that never arrives.
Description: Reversed, this card shows that what holds you back is fear of the unknown. The adventure that is on your mind is not clearly formed. If feels as if all your planning will not be enough or that you’re stuck in the planning phase. There is inner conflict that prevents forward motion. It could be as simple as you simply can’t decide. This energy may show that you are burdened by the process with no hope of getting to the adventure.

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