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2 of Swords

Video Interpretation: 2 of Swords
Key Words: Indecision, refusal to face a situation, stalemate, choices, truce, stalemate, blocked emotions, stress, denial.
Key Feelings: The feeling of having to choose between to suitors.
Description: This card suggests that there is a decision that needs to be made but you’re refusing to make it. You may be weighing the pros and cons, but no matter how you measure the situation, you could go either way. It’s a stalemate, so you’ll just close your eyes and wait it out. The situation is obvious, but the will is blocked and unwilling to participate. The energy is still, as if you’re in a truce with yourself, but it’s waiting to explode.

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2 of Swords (↓)

Video Interpretation: 2 of Swords (↓)
Key Words: Information overload, illogical decision made, can’t think straight, blindfold being ripped off, truth out in open.
Key Feelings: The feeling of having to hear your family’s opinions with regards to which suitor you should choose.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that your blindfold will be ripped off exposing all the details of the situation and you’re going to be forced to decide even if you don’t like it. This energy will not let you hide the facts from yourself or others. You will face them. The energy may be overwhelming, not expected or not believable which can lead to an irrational or illogical decision.

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