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2 of Coins

Video Interpretation: 2 of Coins
Key Words: Fluctuation, balance, resourcefulness, adaptability, time management, prioritization.
Key Feelings: That feeling when you learn to ride a bike with no hands.
Description: This card is all about activity balancing your time between different creative endeavors. It represents the energy of motion and fluctuation applied to multiple smaller, hopeful projects. Being in harmony with this card requires adaptability, time management and resourcefulness. It’s not that you can’t choose between different pursuits, but rather you’ll do them all until the most beneficial one become obvious. This card suggests that you have the patience and endurance to achieve the desired outcome.

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2 of Coins (↓)

Video Interpretation: 2 of Coins (↓)
Key Words: Disorganization, financial disarray, lopsided decisions, resistance to change.
Key Feelings: The feeling when riding a bike with no hands and it goes out of balance.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that the current situation maybe teetering on the brink of failure or woefully out of balance. It may feel as if your financial life is in disarray or that decisions that were made looked good, but proved not to be fruitful. It could be that you see the situation as disorganized, yet you can’t find how to order it. It could be that the natural flow of energy that should keep your productivity up comes in bits and sprits. You might find yourself resistant to change.

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