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Tarot Report on Christopher Steele and US Politics

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The following is my interpretation of a collection of cards regarding the topic of the Ex Spy Christopher Steele’s involvement in US Politics. I have provided the cards and meanings here so that you can help with the interpretation. Feel free to share your interpretation here too.


After performing the reading and posting it, I can now see that the alignment card hints that we may be unable to look within. In the general sense, this means that the person is unable to connect to the inner divinity, but it could be literal. From a woo-woo perspective, or thinking about darker entities, someone may have intentionally, or consciously blocked this topic or investigation into this particular person.

Yet, regardless, we seek the truth and expect it.

The alignment card hints that this topic is unfinished or is unable to move forward. There is a sense of despair in these actions and it’s like there is so much anxiety that rest won’t set in.

The next three cards allow the cards to tell us about his truthfulness, sincerity and motive. For the Truthfulness position, we get a card that represents the start of a creative, passionate adventure. It shows that there is desire and potential, but it hasn’t been realized yet. The second card shows that his actions may be self-fish or one-sided. It’s like he’s connected to something big, but he isn’t going to share. The third card is all about short term focus, lack of planning and the willingness to say one thing but do another. This last card suggests any investment in this action will be wasted time and effort. Two of the three cards are coins hinting that this might be money oriented more so than anything else. The last card regarding his motive shows that he may be drifting aimlessly. It’s an emotion card where it suggests that he got caught up in something that won’t work out.

The next three cards look at how his information is perceived in the US political arena.

The cards suggest that the DOJ sees this situation as miscommunication that has caused an argument that should not have happened. Likewise, the Executive Branch sees this situation as emotional manipulation and a distraction from what is real. And the Main Stream Media is being reckless taking risks that they may want to rethink. The MSM may be naïve or unconscious regarding what they are really doing with this story.

The last two cards are advice cards. Upon second reflection, I would interpret the 10 of Coins as suggesting that there are loyalty issues at play here that we’ll want to watch out for and that it’s a matter of money more than anything else. With regards to those that are watching this video and following the subject matter, this card may symbolize that you have a direct link to power that can feed your consciousness in order to empower you to grow.

Overall, the entire situation is filled with anxiety and the ex spies motivations might simply be money, but the situation has gotten out of hand. Branches of the US government are irritated by it wanting it to go away whereas the MSM is pushing recklessly. Those following along need to question the loyalties and check with their own inner divinity for answers.


Cards & Questions

Q- Alignment card regarding the Ex British Spy Christopher Steele – This card will set the overall tone of the reading or how to interpret the remaining cards.

4 of Swords (↓)

Video Interpretation: 4 of Swords (↓)
Key Words: Burn-out, insomnia, unable to look within, inharmonious, unfinished list of work items, unable to move forward.
Key Feelings: The feeling of despair knowing that you’ll never be able to silence your thoughts.
Description: Reversed, this card represents a state of where your thoughts won’t let you sleep. It is the state of going over and over the checklist. It represents the state where your thoughts make enough noise that you can’t get to your inner knowing or intuition. You may feel like you’re unable to move forward or the axe is about to drop. It could represent a state of burnout and the need to unplug.

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Q- Card that represents the level of truthfulness regarding his actions, words and participation in United States (US) Politics.

Ace of Wands

Video Interpretation: Ace of Wands
Key Words: A surge of energy, Enthusiasm, Inspiration, Power, Creation, Beginnings, Potential.
Key Feelings: Feeling super jazzed about being involved in some project.
Description: This card indicates that there is a surge of energy present that can be put to work. It manifests as enthusiasm for the adventure that is mostly ethereal at this point. There may be a strong connection to intuition that is fueling the passion of creation that drives both emotion and thoughts to whirl. You may feel like there is a strong desire to channel your energy into something creative or adventurous. It should be seen that there is lots of potential in your efforts.

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Q- Card that represents his level of sincerity regarding his involvement in US politics.

6 of Coins (↓)

Video Interpretation: 6 of Coins (↓)
Key Words: Debt, selfishness, one-sided charity.
Key Feelings: The feeling of winning the lottery but then spending it all on yourself.
Description: Reversed, this card shows that the energy flow is redirected towards self. You may be driven to buy multiple houses, but leave them empty. Buy multiple cars, but no one drives them. You may build a shrine, but no one will visit or worship. You may be tempted to channel the energy into more debt or give to a charity with strings attached. You may pledge to a charity, but never deliver.

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Q- Card that represents his motive regarding his involvement in US politics.

Page of Coins (↓)

Video Interpretation: Page of Coins (↓)
Key Words: Lack of progress and planning, short-term focus, overlooked, not seen, remaining on the bottom.
Key Feelings: The feeling of disgust when that young republican that does the opposite of what he says.
Description: Reversed, this card suggests that no matter what you do to stand out, you are always overlooked. Regardless of how much you prepared to be noticed, someone else is picked. You may feel like you’re throwing the last of your money away on something that will never bear fruit. As a messenger, someone may be trying to groom you for something you don’t want to do or is morally unacceptable to you. They may be telling you one thing and doing another or teaching you this art of deception. You may be at the start of a political situation where you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

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Q- Card that suggests what motivates him.

8 of Cups (↓)

Video Interpretation: 8 of Cups (↓)
Key Words: Hopelessness, aimless drifting, walking away.
Key Feelings: The feeling of being caught up in something that won’t work.
Description: Reversed, this card may indicate that you are stuck in a situation in which all hope has been lost. Your life and emotions drift aimlessly caught in the situation where you feel too weak to resist. The issues may be rooted in the subconscious at depths that seem too deep to purge. You may feel like you’re holding your breath or closing your eyes just to make it through another day. This card hints that you keep walking away from something you must confront. Dig deep to find the divine feelings that bring a sense of hope.

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Q- Card that represents the US DOJ’s feelings or actions regarding the political revelations that Christopher Steele has made public.

Five of Cups

Video Interpretation: Five of Cups
Key Words: Sorrow, melancholy, disappointment in love, loss, regret, despair, bereavement, bad choice.
Key Feelings: Feeling like the argument got out of control or you were completely misunderstood.
Description: This card suggests that there may be a time of bereavement at hand. This card hints that emotions may have been involved in previous decisions, or simply flowed uncontrollably, tainting the current moment. You may feel the need to cry, or an overall sadness. There is a deep sense of loss that you may feel a personal, regretful, attachment too as if the problem is because of a choice that you made. There is still value in the turbulence relationship. To move forward, foster any spark of hope and let time heal the wounds. You will need to rebuild the relationship.

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Q- Card that represents the US Executive Branch feelings or actions regarding the political revelations that Christopher Steele has made public.

King of Cups (↓)

Video Interpretation: King of Cups (↓)
Key Words: Emotional manipulation, moodiness, volatility.
Key Feelings: That Monday morning feeling of dread knowing that the boss will be hung over and moody.
Description: Reversed, this card depicts a masculine energy that is unstable emotionally that has decision making abilities for you. It might be clear that there is emotional manipulation in ways that work to restrict your ability to grow and mature. There may be a person in a position of authority that makes decisions that seem irrational, volatile and counter intuitive that blocks your path to success. You may feel that being around the person is punishment. This energy tends to bring up drug abuse and alcoholism which can be emotionally draining. To make forward progress, one will need to pay close attention to your own emotions and feel how others react to your actions and words.

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Q- Card that represents the US Main Stream Media feelings or actions regarding the political revelations that Christopher Steele has made public.

The Fool (↓)

Video Interpretation: The Fool (↓)
Principle: No concept of self or identity.
Key Words: Naivety, foolishness, recklessness, risk-taking.
Key Feelings: That ‘I can’t believe I fell for that’ feeling when you once again believe something will work out and it doesn’t.
Description: Reversed, this card is pessimistic fool. With everything that comes your way, there is the feeling that it is out to get you. It represents the innocence that is taken advantage of. It is the free spirit that constantly flies into glass windows. It is the unexpected opportunity that goes away. It is the act of extending belief when it’s inappropriate to do so. It’s the type of energy best expressed as: When you fall, you hit the ground. This card suggests that you pay closer attention to what you do and how it is done so as to find a way to optimistically approach the task at hand.
Animal: Coyote
Key Words: Trickster, hurtful, deceived.
Description: The light-hearted foolishness becomes heavy painful experiences. What should be a simple laugh, causes hurt and resentment. Being unconscious of your actions leads to disastrous results. You may be easily tricked or deceived by another and led astray. You may fall for a scam artist or a get rich quick scheme or get involved in a deceptive activity. You may find yourself on a path that is painful and disharmonious. Everything that you attempt to do backfires or turns out differently than you expect. Feeling like you're always getting knocked down and never making forward progress. This spirit requests that you pay attention to your actions and don’t take things to seriously.
Symbol: Rose
Words: Pain, thoughtlessness.
Description: Beauty and passion may have a dark side. Be careful of the promises that others have made to you so that they do not lead to painful experiences. You may be in a thoughtless state, so it may be worthwhile to take a step back and smell the roses.
Element: Ether
Words: Unconsciousness, repulsion, judgment.
Description: Reversed, it would seem that the Ether that fills the universe has no purpose, cause or direction. It is everywhere, but does nothing. It animates, but cannot be seen doing so. It is subtler than light yet there is no concept of its existence. Clarity and purity are missing or simply not applied. Things change in unexpected ways and there is a strong sense that everything is flawed.


Q- What do the cards suggest that the humans in the United States look out for with regards to the information that this person has to share with the media and the world?

10 of Coins

Video Interpretation: 10 of Coins
Key Words: Security, abundance, lasting happiness, wealth, inheritance, family, establishment, retirement, stand the test of time, legacy.
Key Feelings: The feeling that you can sit and spend time with the dog without a care in your mind.
Description: This card suggests a major completion and the time to enjoy it. The energy represents a long-lasting security, abundance and happiness. It is the feeling that you have, and will forever have, enough wealth to complete your life comfortably. This energy buys you time to invest in family and think deeply about where you spend your time. This is the card that symbolizes that you are capable of leaving a legacy and that you have the means. What is created will have the ability to outlive you and stand the test of time. It is a time to celebrate and not worry.

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Q- What do the cards advise to anyone watching this video with respect to the information that Christopher Steele shares with everyone through the main stream media?

The Sun

Video Interpretation: The Sun
Principle: This is direct access to power. It is the light of life, the fuel of our existence. It is what feeds our consciousness and empowers us to grow.
Key Words: Energy, optimism, joy, confidence, fun, warmth, success, positivity, vitality, power.
Key Feelings: That feeling of being empowered and inspired by a sunny day to the point of wanting to dance and play.
Description: This card represents pure consciousness in its raw, dominate form. It is the power that lights our existence. It is what charges our batteries and fills the soul. It is the power behind the understanding that lightens our path. It represents where growth comes from and what intense focus can achieve. It is awareness. Upright, this card represents the harmonious alignment to the use of pure consciousness. It suggests a deep-down sense of vitality, warmth and joy. It helps manifest optimism and positivity that are at the root of success. The energy is abundance, and, when used correctly, empowers fulfillment of our desires. It suggests a full sense of awareness to what is happening in and around you.

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